Chapter 1: The Wild West

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~ 8:00 A.M ~

Tari woke up with a faint headache. Sand pelted her face as she groggily opened her eyes.
   "Ppftht! What the-?!" Her eyes stretching wide, Tari leaped back in fright, taking view of her unfamiliar surroundings.
   "Wh- Where am I..? I..." Before Tari could finish her sentence, a quick image flashed before her eyes.


   "Meggy?!" Tari whirled her head around in fright, frantically looking for her best friend. "Meggy where are you?! Where are we?"


Tari's eyes shot wide. "WHA!" Whirling her head around, Tari found herself face to face with one of her friends. Her tensed muscles immediately relaxed. "Oh Mario, thank god. It's only you."
Mario blinked. "Look!" Mario proceeded to point towards a tall cactus. "Food!"
Tari couldn't help but giggle. "Oh Mario. You're such a goof." Tari had almost forgotten about her anxiety, letting it slowly subside. "Mario, do you know where we are? Do you know where everybody else is?"
Mario ignored Tari's questions and bolted towards the spiky plant. "Mario wait!"
   "Yummy!" Before Mario could bite down onto the plant, Tari stopped him by grabbing onto his overalls, yanking him backwards. "Oh no you don't!"
Mario turned up to face Tari, a low growl rumbling in his throat. "But Mario's hungry!"
Tari blinked reassuringly. "We'll get food once we figure out where we are."
Mario whined. "But Mario's hungry now!"

   "Hush!" Tari's forceful tone had caught Mario off guard.
   "I.... I see people..."
Mario whirled his head around excitedly. "People? Where? Do they have food?"
   "Shh!" Tari hissed.
In the distance, Tari could see a group of people huddled together near a giant wagon. It looked to be filled with body-sized bags filled with stuff.
   "Bandits?..." Tari had almost said that to herself. She were questioning it, but there was no doubt in the tone she gave away.
As if reading Tari's mind, Mario spoke up. "They look like bandits. Let's shoot em' up." Mario whipped out a revolver from his holster and pointed it towards the group.
   "Mario stop!" Tari strictly snatched away Mario's weapon and growled gently. "Don't jynx this! They could be nice people."
   "Nice?" Mario snorted in disbelief. "They don't look nice at all. Mario thinks we should jump them before they do it to us."
   "Lets just... sneak past them... we mean no harm." Tari's voice dropped when she mentioned 'no harm', as if she were giving Mario a strict warning.
Mario's only reply was a scoff.
Turning back towards the group of strangers, Tari cautiously began to sneak around a big pile of boxes and crates, peeking up above them to check if she'd been spotted. Letting out a sigh of relief, Tari continued to swoop past each box and crate, swiftly hiding behind them. Looking over at one of the previous crates, she could see Mario also trying to swiftly move around, but due to his weight, he were much slower and less active.
   "Mario, come on!" Tari snapped. "This is no time for kidding around."
Mario's pupils grew. "But Mario's not kidding around! See?" Mario lifted one of his legs, getting into some sort of Kung fu stance, getting ready to approach Tari.
   "Mario be careful!"
Ignoring Tari's plea, Mario tip-toed towards her. But right when he was half way across, he felt a small rock plunge his foot, causing him to trip and fall with a thud.
   "MARI- Mph!" Tari, eyes shot wide in horror, slapped her hands against her mouth, looking over at the so called 'Bandits.'
Thankfully they didn't seem to notice, which made Tari exhale in relief.
Mario had quickly slipped over beside Tari, hiding behind the crate as well.
   "Mario you need to be more careful!"
Mario brought his gaze to look up at Tari, guilt twinkling in his eyes. "Sorry Tari. Mario will be more careful..."
Tari turned to look back up at the bandits. "You are so lucky we didn't get caught."
Mario's eyebrows furrowed. "You were the one who suggested we should give them a chance! It's not Mario's fault he's not fit for this kind of stuff. Cut him some slack! We could of just stuck to Mario's plan and blown their brains out."
Tari growled but didn't respond.
Shooting a final glance at the seven strangers, Tari darted a quick glance back at Mario. "Follow my lead." Shooting her glance back forwards, Tari swiftly darted to one crate to another, with Mario right at her feet. "We're almost there, Mario. Just a few more boxes!"
Getting on her knees, Tari proceeded to crawl towards the next few boxes, which were much smaller than the others they had already previously passed. Mario once again right behind her.
   "Just a little further..."
   "Tari, these boxes are awfully dusty... Mario's nose feels itchy..."
   "You can do it Mario! We're almost there."
   "But Mario feels like he's gonna..." Mario suddenly stifled, raising his head in the air.
   "Tari, Mario's gonna..."
   "NO!" Right before Mario got ready to let out a loud sneeze, Tari immediately plugged his nose and covered his mouth.
Mario blinked.
So did Tari.
   "Are you okay?"
   "Mhm!" Mario nodded, smiling.
Tari let out another sigh of relief and released her grip on him, crawling away. "Now come on. We need to—"

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