Chapter 6: The New Sheriff

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~ 11:35 A.M. ~

"We'll probably have to hold a vigil later tonight for SMG4. Sheriff Tari, what do you think?"

Tari and Mario were standing inside of SMG4's old office. A wave of grief had washed over them when they remembered the few but memorable moments they had with him.
He was telling them about Meggy the Gargantua, and what evil she has done in the past. He revealed to them that Meggy the Gargantua was in fact, their old best friend. The shocking reveal left Tari heartbroken and devastated. Her own best friend was a monster.
Tari had tried countless times to forget about her friend's betrayal, but the thought of her friend kept barging into her mind, as if her old friend was intentionally trying to sinisterly tease her. And it didn't help when everybody else in town kept bringing her and her idol up. And now that SMG4 was dead, Tari would never hear the end of it.
"What do you suppose we do? Should we hold the vigil or not?" SMG1 repeated, trying to get Tari's attention.
Mario turned his head. "What's a vigil?"
Tari didn't reply.
"It's... kinda like a funeral. When somebody dies, a few of our townsfolk go out to pray. The only downside, is that the people who do are forced to stay up all night and keep watch for any danger. It's... a tradition we have here."
Mario's mouth dropped and his eyes widened. "WHAT! That's the most absurd thing Mario has ever heard in his entire life! And Mario has heard a lot of absurd things in his lifetime."
SMG1 looked like he was about to say something, possibly in a protest, but Mario kept going. "Stay up all night? Are you kidding me! Do you even know who I am?"
SMG1 blinked. "No. No I do not."
Mario cut him off again. "And for what benefit are we doing this? Watch out for a psychopathic giant ginger and her drudge? Yeah, no thanks. Mario isn't on the menu tonight. Mario didn't ask for this."
"Mario stop!" Tari snapped. "It's a tradition! It's not their fault!" Reluctantly, Tari turned back to face SMG1. "I'm sorry about him."
SMG1 shook his head sympathetically. "No, it's okay. I get it. This tradition isn't for everyone."
Tari's head jerked, as if she had just realized something. "Did you ever hold a vigil for Saiko?"
SMG1 shook his head sadly. "No. Which is shocking, because we do usually hold vigil's for our people. But... it was a rough time. Not only was Saiko's body completely destroyed, but it was the most gruesome death we've ever experienced. It made SMG4's death look wholesome." He sighed. "You guys should honestly call yourselves lucky for not being there when it happened. We're all scarred from it."
And you think I'm not? You really think I didn't witness it myself? You are so wrong.
SMG1's voice shook. "We... we didn't know what to do... so Swag just completely called the vigil off. He didn't want to risk anybody else meeting the same fait as she did."
Tari was stunned. Breaking a tradition because of Saiko's death? Tari had personally witnessed it with her own two eyes, so she couldn't exactly blame Swag for his decision. And the fact he did it to protect his town made it an even more valid reason. But breaking a tradition was already bad enough.
The fact that Meggy was the reason for it sent chills down Tari's spine.
"I know that everybody hates Swag now for what he did, but... personally if I was in his shoes... I would've done the same thing."
He was referring to the fact that Swag had ran off and replaced himself with SMG4.
"I know it was wrong," He continued. "But when your as desperate to save yourself as everybody else here... you'd do the same. Everybody here acts like they wouldn't do such a thing, though I've lived here long enough to know that isn't true. We're all nothing but a bunch of cowards." He bowed his head. "Swag was the Sheriff here for a looong time. You don't know the things he's seen."
Tari shivered. And now she was the Sheriff. Imagine the things she would have to witness and go through because of it. She and Mario would never be able to go back home now. Everybody's life was on the line. And Tari was the one who held the responsibility for everybody's safety. Everything was practically in the palm of her hand. How would she ever manage? Especially if Meggy wasn't willing to listen? Meggy was colossal compared to her, not to mention psychotic. If she was crazy enough to kill two citizens, she would never listen to Tari, no matter what she had to say.
Why did I choose to do this? Why?
"That's why we beg of you..."
Tari had snapped out of her thoughts. "Wha...?" She had realized that she hadn't been paying full attention to what SMG1 was telling her.
"Please don't leave us behind like he did. I know it's tempting, and things are only going to get worse from here, but we need you. You're our only hope left."
Tari's expression darkened. You can't turn back now, Tari. You've already made the pitch. If you die, you die. If everybody else dies, it's completely on you.
"I understand." Tari nodded curtly. "I know the risks... but I'm willing to take them."
SMG1's face brightened up. "Really? You're serious?"
Like I have any other choice. Tari nodded. "Of course. You can count on me."
   "Marvelous!" SMG1's nervous tone had quickly changed to a cheerful one. "We promise you wont regret this decision. We will try our very best to protect you and everybody else in this town."
I hope so. Tari couldn't help but feel a pang of regret. It's not only them I put in danger... I also put Mario in danger too. And me. He probably hates my guts right now.
And the sad part? I don't blame him at all. I'd be mad at me too.
"So about the vigil?" SMG1 had brought the topic back.
Tari shook her head, shaking the thoughts out of her head. "What about it?"
"Who are you going to choose to keep vigil?"
Tari had to choose who to keep vigil?
"Wait, we have to choose?" Tari's voice gave away her shock.
"The Sheriff does, yes. It's part of the tradition. People don't just go out and do it for the sake of it."
That was a very good point. Why was Tari stupid enough to think otherwise?
"Um..." She had to think hard. She barely knew anybody here, so this decision was obviously harder than she thought it was going to be. If she chose certain people, those certain people would have to go out and risk their lives. Tari had to think carefully on who to choose to do this vigil, otherwise if she chose the wrong people, she could possibly risk more people dying.
"How many people have to keep vigil?"
"About four."
"Okay..." Tari thought back to the people who were outside in the spiral of distress. The first person who jumped out at her was Bowser. He seemed strong. And with the sturdy, spiky shell he had, he could easily defend himself and hide when it became necessary.

SMG4 Movie: WESTERN SPAGHETTI (IF MEGGY WAS THE ANTAGONIST...) (Novel)Where stories live. Discover now