Chapter 12: Please Stand By...

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~ 2:30 P.M. ~

It has been a few hours since Meggy's lecture, and Tari still felt horrible.
Her and Meggy were walking inside of her old office; the Sheriff's office. The office that was previously supposed to be hers. And SMG4's.
But for some reason, it was like she was in a completely different alternate world, because even SMG4 was apparently never the sheriff here either.
She thought to herself for a moment. What happened to Swag then? Did he disappear like he did before? Or did he just not exist at all?
Tari started to doubt herself.
Maybe I did dream everything... maybe I am just overreacting...

The door shut.

Tari turned to see Meggy shutting the door before turning to face her. "The coast is clear," she explained. "We're alone now."
Tari gulped. This is your friend, Tari. She reminded herself. You have nothing to worry about. Stop thinking about Meggy the Gargantua and focus on what you have to do!

Convince her not to do this.

... Which wasn't going to be a picnic.

"Meggy..." Tari began. "I think we should-"
Before she could get another word out, Meggy spoke over her, walking past her. "So I have drawn out a plan." Meggy explained, walking towards a strange sheet of paper on her desk.
Tari approached Meggy and glanced over her shoulder.
It was a map. A very poor looking map that looked so worn out, Tari was convinced that it was at least seventy years old. The used to be white paper was now yellow, with a patch of brown and gray here and there. Tari guessed that it was from the dust particles that resulted from age.
"What's this for...?" Tari cautiously pointed towards the map.
"This is how we're going to find Wren!" Meggy smiled.
Tari winced. She loved seeing Meggy smile... but not like this.
It was almost an evil smile... a smile that promised misfortune and horrible things in the future.
  "H-how long have you had this planned out for...?"
   "A while," Meggy shrugged her shoulders casually with a blank tone. "Just never had the chance to put it into action until now."
I don't like where this is going. I don't like where this is going at all. "Meggy, I really think this is a bad idea..."
Meggy froze. She scowled. "You promised you would help me!" Her voice rose again.
Tari shrank back, afraid of another lecture. "I-I am! I Promise! I-I just think we should take this from a different approach..."
Meggy furrowed her eyebrows and rested her hands on her hips. "You didn't even hear the plan yet."
   "Well by the looks of that map and those very large red X marks..." Tari grimaced and then shook her head. "Meggy, I don't like the looks of this. Not one bit..." Her voice shook.
To Tari's surprise, a look of rage flashed across Meggy's face. Tari could see from the corner of her eye, that Meggy was clenching her fists. Tari was about to say something about it, but before she could, Meggy's face brightened up, and she shook her head. For a second, Tari thought she had just imagined the whole thing. "It's okay, Tari! Really! You'll like this plan once you hear it! Come on... do this for me...? Your friend? Your best friend...?"
  Why and how did she just change emotions so quickly? It was almost inhumane of how quick she changed personalities.
"I don't know, Meggy..."
"Come on... you're the only chance I got..." Tari was taken by surprise when she heard Meggy's voice crack. "Please..."
Tari blinked nervously. Meggy had grabbed her hand again and made a puppy face.
You've got to be kidding me... my one weakness...


Tari couldn't take it anymore.
She shook her head and let out a long defeated sigh. "Okay fine..."
Meggy's eyes immediately lit up. "Really?! You will? Great!" She immediately pushed her friend in front of the table so she could see the map more clearly. "Okay so this is where we are... and these are the places I've been to..." She explained while pointing to random places on the map. "But their is one place I haven't looked..." Her expression suddenly darkened for a moment. It looked as if a horrible memory had just crossed her mind.

SMG4 Movie: WESTERN SPAGHETTI (IF MEGGY WAS THE ANTAGONIST...) (Novel)Where stories live. Discover now