Season 2 Chapter 28

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5 days later, Shizune was healed, "You can leave now, your healed" Kurenai said, "Well, I've thought about it, and I don't wanna leave, I enjoy it here, and neither of us will be alone anymore" Shizune said, "I never knew you were alone as well" Kurenai said, "I am" Shizune said, "Ok, you can stay" Kurenai said, "Thanks, Kurenai" Shizune said, they both went to school, "Not that repaired" Kurenai said, "Don't state the obvious" Shizune said, "Well it's true" Kurenai said, after school, they went home, "I sure hope we'll be at peace" Kurenai said, "I do, too" Shizune said. Meanwhile, at a secret laboratory, a reincarnation, Dosu's Reincarnation, was using Kurenai's DNA to make a clone, "Heh, this will kill him, it has too" Dosu's Reincarnation said, he laughed as his life was destroyed in order to create Clone Kurenai, "Ha, I'm in the mortal world" Clone Kurenai said, "Beat I hide out for now, I'll wait to kill Kurenai".

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