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The Truth About Alex Reynolds (Part 2)


Aether was also incapable of motion of quality or motion of quantity. Aether was only capable of local motion. Aether naturally moved in circles, and had no contrary, or unnatural, motion.

-Aristotle's System of Classical Elements.


"It all started four hundred years ago..." she said sighing and rubbing her hands over her face. "When I was first introduced into this world of classical elemental powers. Into a world that really changed my life for the better."

"So, what you're saying is you're four hundred years old?" I said after a moment, coming up with a logical question.

Well kind of logical. Don't judge.

"Well four hundred twenty one, give or take a few years." She stated shrugging.

"H-how?" I sputtered with wide eyes.

"The same way you're an elementalist." She smiled. "By chance. By fate."

I nodded slowly taking in this stunning information.

"It all happened when Crystal was introduced into my life."

"Crystal. My senior?" I asked confused.

"Yes Crystal. She was a really unique girl. Always laughing, slightly crazy. Rambunctious. But that made her stand out. Her beautiful long ebony hair and ice blue calculating eyes that just questioned everyone at every turn. Kind of like you Mina."

"Anyways. That year so many things happened. Wonderful things and then awful things. One morning she ran to me. In this exact room, crying. Not being able to stop, mascara running down her face. She said she did something bad, badder than bad."

"What did she do?" I asked in suspense.

"She'd..." Alex sighed scrunching her eyebrows.

"She'd killed her brother."

I sat there staring at the binded black leather book in from of me, Crystal's journal. She'd killed someone. She actually did it.

"Mina. I know what you're thinking. She actually killed someone, her brother of all people. But let me explain first. Her brother Joel, was not a good person. Not in the least. He wasn't like Zach, he wasn't like your brother. I know Zach can irritate you at times, but Joel did so much worse to Crystal. He'd made her go mad, crazy with power. He'd made her do the unthinkable."

"How?" I whispered. "How did he make her do such cruel things?"

"Crystal was in a weak state that year. Not just a weak state, but a fragile one. She was the epitome of fragile. If you would come in a few feet within her she would flinch. After his death, she was no better. Crystal's family was a unique one. Every member had one classical element that completed each other."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Aether. That's how it works right?"

I nodded slowly, "Yeah."

"Well in Crystal's family they had all five. All of the classical elements, making them the most powerful family known to our world. I should know, it was my family."


I was going to cut it off here, but then I remembered I said I would write a longer chapter so you're welcome. ;) ~Grace


"Y-you're family?" I sputtered with wide eyes. "CRYSTAL WAS YOUR SISTER?!?"

"Yes Mina. Tone it down a notch." Alex whispered grabbing my arm.

"B-but...how? I don't understand." I whispered looking at her with wide eyes.

"Crystal was my sister, my younger sister. It was me, Joel, then Crystal. She was amazing Mina. She was absolutely perfect. But she had another side to her that made things go wrong. Her power was too strong, way too strong for a fourteen year old girl to handle. Especially with my brother doing what he was doing."

"What was he doing?" I asked alarmed. "Was he hurting her? Oh my goddess. He was wasn't he. I'll kill him!"

Alex laughed, while I realized what I said.

"Ha ha. Oh Yeah. Sorry." I apologized.

"Don't apologize Mina. That's why I like you Mina. You remind me so much of Crystal. That spunk and feisty-ness, that no one else could have." She said smiling. "If Crystal were here right now she would even agree. Now, Joel wasn't quite hurting her, more like creating havoc in her mind. Joel was an Aerokinetic, one of the best. While most couldn't do what he did, he couldn't do good with it."

"What could he do?" I asked curiously.

"Joel could control minds. A tortuous thing, if you ask me. He didn't just control them though, he used them. Used them for his own evil bidding."

"But how?" I asked.

"He was a nineteen year old boy that was mad with power, and in love with the feel of power. The feel of control. He used it against Crystal. Making her do his bidding, confusing her. None of us really knew he had this unique power until he used it on Crystal in front of me. Until he finally broke and ruined everything."

"What did he do?" I prodded.

"Well Joel was mad with power right. Well he was also upset that Crystal had the upper hand. That Crystal had the power he always wished he could have. Crystal was Aetherkinetic like you and she was the most powerful elementalist in our world. She could do a lot with her power. The power he wanted so so much. Mind control, Telekinesis, controlling electricity, and the biggest one. She could communicate with celestial beings."

My eyes widened, "As in Gods and Goddesses?"

Alex nodded, "They would help her when she really needed it. When she really needed the extra power. Joel wanted that extra power so he tried to take it."

I scoffed, "Of course. And how did that go?"

"Well it's what got him killed. Or well banished anyway."



I'll just leave this here. *backs away slowly*

New info about Alex Reynolds here to shock the world. More info will come tomorrow or after tomorrow, not sure yet.

Alex Reynolds: Barbara Palvin.

Vote, Comment.

Grace x

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