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The Journal.


"Who's Crystal?"

That one statement made me think. Who is Crystal? My senior. Aetherkinetic. A fourteen year old girl that died in a previous life. Me.

I looked at Anna and sighed.

"You'll find out."

She nodded slowly taking the journal from my hands, "Well let's get started shall we."

I nodded and waited.

She opened to the first page and started to read.

August 12, 1601.

Today's my Birthday.

I don't know whether to be excited or exhilarated. But I feel like both.

I'm finally fourteen. I'm finally old enough.

I'm starting to hear voices. It's a bit strange in any part. But they're nice voices. They compliment me and guide me.

I which I knew who these voices were.

Until next,

She looked up at me after reading the first journal.

"Who is this?" She asked seriously.

"Crystal." Was my only response.

"Mina. Really." She whispered staring at the neat script on the page.

"Crystal." I repeated. "It's only Crystal."

She nodded and continued.

August 14, 1601.

Joel's acting strange.

I stiffened. This early.

I don't know what's going on with him. But I'll make sure to find out...

I'm going to find out if it's the last thing that I do.

Until next,

I stared at the text.

No. No. No. No. It's too early for her death.

I choked on my tears.

"Mina." Anna whispered placing the book down.

"Hey guys we're going- What's wrong?" A voice always at the door.

I couldn't heard anything. I couldn't breathe.

Why can't I breathe? What's happening?

Oh goddess.

"Mina! Mina." A voice got closer sitting on my bed.

I shut my eyes blocking everything out.

What's going on?


My eyes shot open and I gasped.

Breathe. Deep breaths.

I sucked in a deep breath of air slowly bringing it out.

Good. More.

I repeated and calmed down.

Good girl.

"Who's there?" I whispered.

"Mina?" I glanced over to see Nate staring intently at me, blue eyes persistent.

"Are you okay?" He whispered tucking a piece of my hair out of just face.

You're good.

My eyes widened.

"Good." I gasped out. "I'm good."

Nate nodded smiling slightly, "That's good."

"Mina! What happened?" Zach asked bursting into the room.

I rolled my eyes, not wanting to speak with him.

"I was reading this Crystal book to her and she broke." Anna whispered showing Zach the book.
Take it back.

I grabbed it out of his hands instantly.

"Don't touch it."


There we go.

Any guesses to What's happening to Mina here?

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Grace x

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2015 ⏰

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