|| 4 || Unnecessary Attributes

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Unnecessary Attributes.


Earth was commonly associated with qualities of heaviness, matter, and the terrestrial world. Earth was also associated with the sensual aspects of Life and death.

-Aristotles System of Classical Elements.



Mina's POV:

"Mina Jesus! Calm down!" Addie yelled running after me. "You are not going to kill that boy."

"I never said I was." I sighed opening my locker.

"Yes you did." She deadpanned. "You distinctly said I'm going to kill him. That's what you said."

"Ha! No I didn't I said I wouldn't kill him." I chuckled leaning against my locker. "They're words, get your head out of the gutter."

"Words mean everything!" She yelled getting closer to me. "Words aren't just words Mina. They mean a lot."

I rolled my eyes and started off to class.

Might as well get this over with.

"You got that right." Addie sighed walking next to me.

The History of Earth.

Was written on the board as I walked in. What's there to know about Earth? We inhabit it. People talk about the plants and the mundanes. We're just a highly advanced version of mundane. A powerful version.

I sat next to Addie in the back of the class, just in case it got boring. You never know.

"Hello students!" A balding forty something man shouted. "My name is Mr. Laz, you can call me Mr. Laz."

I rolled my eyes, catching Addie doing the same.

So he's one of those teachers.

"We are going to learn about our beautiful Earth. The mundane principles, the unique attributes, everything we can. Is that clear?" He started off and we nodded.

"Okay. So firstly let's get to know each other. As you know my name is my name. I'm a Pyrokinetic and I was in those very seats not long ago." He stated chuckling.

I looked over to Addie.

Not long.

She giggled into the palm of her hand.

"You." Mr. Laz called out pointing to me.

I cocked an eyebrow and sighed, "Yes, Mr. Laz?"

"Tell me about your self. Come on chop chop! Since you think it's important to distract other students." He said clapping his hands.

I rolled my eyes and stood up, "What's there to know. Everyone knows me. And if you don't well, my name is Mina. I'm Aetherkinetic and I have natural pink hair. Good?"

His eyes widened at my bluntness, "Aetherkinetic?"

I nodded, "Obviously. If I said it, I am it."

He sighed, "A feisty Aetherkinetic."

"Very." I stated and sat down.

"Well okay, let's get back to knowing each other. Um. You go!"

And it went like that for the whole period. A whole period of our lives wasted on "getting to know each other" when we wouldn't even remember each others names let alone what powers they had.

Why must we "get to know each other" every single time on the first day of school. I mean yeah, it would very good to know who you are. But I don't need to know that you like karate or that you love chewing gum. Like no, don't even try to state those stupid unnecessary facts that no one in the class room cares about. You like children's cartoons, good for you. I don't care.

After that tortuous class was over I had my next one, Advanced Telekinesis. Or what I like to call brain time. Just some time for me and my brain. Wonderful.

I walked in and smiled at all of the contraptions ready for the testing. Okay so, there's always a test on what you can or cannot do on the first day of school. What Telekinesis can do for your powers, excreta.

I don't know why I always get so excited about testing the limits of my brain. It's just so much fun. Like yes, I can shoot that arrow with my mind what? It just hypes me up.

"Hey watch where you're going." A gruff voice growled at me.

I glance over to the owner of the voice and jumped, caught off guard.



Revised chapter 4 right here!!

Oh my gosh guys! Okay so I usually write these on my phone because my laptops stupid and broke right. And it's summer so my parents won't get me a new one, but Anyways I got this new keyboard for my phone and it's so pretty. Like I love it. It matches my texting thing and I just love it.

Okay I just had to get that out there.

Nathaniel Anderson: Joshua Grand.

Vote, Comment.

Grace x

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