|| 2 || Why?

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Mina's POV:

Nervousness consumed me as we stepped through the doors of the Institute. Second year and I'm still a nervous wreck.

Funny huh.

As if sensing my nervousness Zach stopped undoing my clenched hands.

You're good. He thought.

I nodded breathing out a held breath.

"Relax Mina. I can feel your stress." Addie whispered placing a hand on my shoulder.

I scoffed, "Look who's talking."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Addie asked defensively.

I tapped my head as her eyes widened in realization.

"Uh huh." I mumbled. "You're feeling your own stress there sweetheart."

Zach laughed guiding us through the hallways. Noticing Chrys, I rolled my eyes.


"Hey guys!" She yelled glancing at everyone but me.

Over excited buttwipe. Cue punch from Addie.

"How was your break?"

Like she cares.

Mina! Addie yelled in my head and glared at me. I shrugged in response.

She knows how we are, I don't get the sudden change.

"Good. Yours?" Zach asked politely.

Chrys shrugged, brown locks spilling over her shoulder. "Same old, same old."

"Oh you went to beauty 101 again?" I asked smirking.

Chrys smirked back, "Oh just like you went to ugly 101."

"Rude." I mumbled.






"Why thank you." I gushed. "My favorite term."

Chrys rolled her eyes and we walked down the hall.


"I see you didn't get rid of that weird thing you call hair." Chrys commented as we walked to get our schedules.

"Really?" I said cocking an eyebrow. "Well I see you haven't gotten rid of that annoying thing you call a mouth."

Chrys groaned losing another verbal fight, "We aren't done here."

"Are we ever?" I asked smirking as I got my schedule.

Period 1: Study of the Earth.

Period 2: Advanced Telekinesis (Mental)

Period 3: Aetherkinetic Lessons.


Period 4: Power Training.

Period 5: History of Dark & Light.


Period 6: Journey Through the Realms.

Period 7: Journalism.

I looked through my schedule feeling a bit stressed. Everything except Aetherkinetic Lessons and Telekinesis were new, including Journalism.

The gang and I traded schedules and I sighed. First and fifth with Addie. Sixth with Chrys. And fourth with Zach since they usually kept siblings in the same class.


I usually have classes with each one of my friends since were so close knit. I used to come in handy when people used to bully me, but now it's just normal.


I glanced around the halls noticing the new students that I didn't see when we walked in. The hopeful faces ready to begin the school year. But then, I noticed someone peculiar. Someone that stood out.

A boy.

The dark cloud that loomed around him could captivate many. It captivated me. The darkness surrounded him like he owned it. Like no one else could come in between them.

Well I know what his Power is.

He had piercing blue eyes that gleamed with mischief and hatred. His dark brown hair was clipped perfectly and styled on his head, but looked like he didn't even try. Currently he was staring at his phone occasionally looking up. When he did his gaze locked on mine drawing me in a blue sea.

"Mina." Addie growled elbowing my side.

I looked over with wide eyes, "What?"

"This is Anna. She was explaining her power." Addie said pointing towards a smiling beautiful girl.

She was drop dead gorgeous. No words could explain her beauty. But if I have to use one it would be unique.

"Hi! I guess you zoned out. But I'm Anna Marie. You can call me Anna, Marie, or Chris. Whatever floats your boat. I'm a first year and that boy you're drooling over is my twin brother Nate." She said giggling.

"I wasn't drooling." I glared. "Just...examining."

"Uh huh. And I'm not super hyper." She deadpanned.

I looked at her for a long moment. Sunshine radiated off of her.

Hyper, bubbly, nice.


"So you're a Photokinetic and your brother there that won't stop glaring this way is a Erebokinetic." I stated glaring back at him from a far.

His glare hardened as he walked over.

"How did you know that? Oh my gosh are you a wizard. Because if you were that would be so absolutely cool!" Anna squealed.

I looked at her, "Are you for real?"

"One hundred percent. Or maybe ninety nine point nine percent. No one's really ever a hundred percent, you know." She stated in a serious manner.

"Uh huh. Well I'm really good at reading people. So no. I'm not a wizard." I scoffed at the bubbly girl in front of me.

"Why are you staring at me?" A gruff voice asked next to me.

I turned towards the voice and groaned.

Why me?


And that's a wrap!

That's the revised version of Chapter 2!

Okay I'm worried. Today is my senior picture day and my outfit is on point, but my makeup isn't. It's kind of but not. It's not that noticeable. I hope.


Zachary Crypt: Asher Book.

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Grace x

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