Chapter 8

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Niall POV

It's been a week since I saw Avery. Avery and I have been texting and calling each other to get to know each other. But lately she hasn't picking up my calls or answering my text messages. Whenever I call her it will go to voicemail and I don't know why.

Today she is supposed to watch Avery while I go to rehearsals. When I called her this morning she didn't pick up and it got me worried a bit. I don't know a lot about her life or her family but I feel like something happened. That's why today I canceled my rehearsals and went to check on Avery to see what's going on. Avery and I just friends at the moment and I just want to check up on her because that's what friends do right. Also, I'm going to drop off Lilly at my mums house because I don't want Lilly with me if Avery is in a dangerous situation.

I just made some breakfast for Lilly and I went upstairs. I went to her room to see that she is getting up and I smiled at her.

"Good morning princess" I told her as I walked to her bed and she looked at me

"Good morning" she said as I picked her up and I smiled when she put her head on my shoulder

"Did you have a good sleep?" I asked her

"Yes" she said as I rubbed her back and then she looked at me "Daddy" she said

Even though she is 3 years old I couldn't help smile every time she calls me daddy because it warms my heart. I know when she gets older she will just call me dad that's why I just want to christ these moments.

"Yes" I told her

"Where's Avery?" she asked as I took her downstairs

"What? You want Avery?" I asked her jokingly and she giggled

"Maybe" she said

"So you don't love me anymore? I think you love Avery more than me. Let me check" I told her

She squealed when I pulled her shirt up a bit to blow raspberry on her stomach to make her laugh.

"Daddy stop" she laughed as she slapped my head lightly

"Do you love me?" I asked her as I blew another one

"Yes now stop" she said

"Are you sure?" I asked her

"Yes. Hahaha stop" she laughed

After about a minute or two I stopped blowing raspberries on her tummy and I pulled her down so I could look at her. Her hair is all messy and she is trying to pretend to be mad at me.

"Aww. Is someone mad?" I asked her as I put her on her chair and she didn't talk to me "Okay I guess if someone doesn't want to talk to me. I guess I will eat their pancakes then" I told her jokingly and she looked at me

"No there my pancakes" she said

"Oh you're talking to me" I told her as I tickled her tummy a bit and she giggled then I stopped

"Yes because you were going to steal my pancakes" she said

"I was not going to steal them. I was going to give it to you. Here you go" I told her as I gave her pancakes back

"Thank you" she said and I smiled at her

"You're welcome" I told her as she began to eat her pancakes and I sat beside her "Daddy is going to be busy today so you're going to stay with grandma today okay" I told her

"Why can't I come? Why happened to Avery?" she asked me

"Avery is busy today and you can't come because I'm kind of doing grown up things that you don't understand. But you will have fun with grandma today okay" I told her

"But I don't want to go. I want to come with you" she said sadly

"I know you do but I promise you that you will have fun with grandma. I heard that grandma is going to take you to the indoor playground" I told her and her eyes lit up

"Really?" she asked me

"Yep. Now why don't you eat your pancakes and then we could go alright" I told her

"Okay" she said as she ate her pancakes

Now I have to convince my mum to take Lilly to the indoor playground today.


"Hi Lilly" my mum said as she Lilly and I coming into my parents house and of course Lilly went to hug her grandma

"Hi grandma" Lilly said as my mum gave her a hug and then she gave me a hug

"Hi Niall" she said

"Hi mum" I told her as I gave her Lilly's bag

"Are you sure Avery is okay?" mum asked me and now I know mum is worried about Avery too because I told her what was happening

"I don't know mum. She hasn't answered my text messages and after time I called her it will go straight to voicemail. I heard her conversation with her dad from the last time she visited and I heard yelling. I feel like something happened and I don't know what it is yet. I just want to go to her house and find out" I told her

"Okay you do that. But just in case bring backup with you" she said

"Yeah I am. I'm bringing Jack and Louis with me. Also, I have the police on speed dial if anything happens" I told her

"You are brave boy did you know that. You only know Avery a month now and you already know what's up with her. I know you guys are friends now but I hope she is save when you find her. Like you said before we don't know about her life and family. We just want her to be safe and hopefully she is" mum said and I smiled at her

"Yeah hopefully she is. I'll see you guys later alright" I told her as I gave her a hug

"Yeah see you later. Lilly come give your dad a hug. He is leaving" mum told Lilly

Lilly was in the living room this whole time and I'm glad she didn't hear me. I don't know what's happening with Avery right now and I don't want Lilly to know right now either. Lilly ran over to me and gave me a hug. I smiled and gave her a hug back.

"Be good for grandma and I will get updates if you been bad alright missy" I told her and she giggled as she looked at me

"I will be a good girl" she said

"Good" I told her and she ran back to the living room "By the way I told her that you would take her to the indoor playground today because she was sad that she didn't see Avery today. So, if you have time can you take her?" I asked mum and mum smiled at me

"Yes I will. I don't have to do anything at the house because I cleaned yesterday. I will take her don't worry" she said and I smiled at her

"Okay thanks. Bye mum" I told her

"Bye Niall" she said

I said goodbye to Lilly to before heading out.

Author Note: thanks for reading this chapter

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