Chapter 20

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Avery POV

"Lilly come on we got to go" I said as I put the suitcase by the front door

As I promised Lilly I booked us plane tickets to surprise Niall. Niall is LA at the moment because he has a show there. I haven't told Niall this so hopefully he doesn't have plans so we can spend time together as the 3 of us since we haven't done for a long time. I'm happy that we are going to see Niall because I miss him a lot and I'm glad to be in his arms when we go to LA.

"Coming" Lilly said as she came downstairs with her teddy that Niall got her when she was younger

"Okay. Let's go" I told her

I booked us a Uber to take us to the airport because I'm not going to take Niall's car and park it at the airport and people will see it. The Uber just arrived and Lilly and I got out of the house with the bags and the driver drove us to the airport.


We got to the airport and we went through check in and security. I thought it would be hard to go through check in and security with a 3 year old but it's not hard at all. As we were arriving at the airport Niall has been calling me 2 or 3 times but I didn't answer. I didn't answer because one I don't want him to know that we are at the airport and two if he calls me he will here the PA system going off and on and he will know we are at the airport.

Since our plane was boarding we got to our plane and of course Lilly had to seat next to window seat so she could outside of the plane. Not gonna lie this is my first time being on a flight and I don't know how to feel about it. I'm nervous and scared at the same time. What if something while we are flying? or what will happen to Lilly since she is 3? What will happen?

"I got the window seat" Lilly said as I sat beside her

"Yes you did. Are you excited to see your dad?" I asked her as I put seatbelt on

"Yes. He doesn't know?" she asked me

"No he doesn't. You wanted to keep it a secret remember?" I asked her

"Oh yeah I did" she said and I smiled at her

Before we took off I scrolled through my phone to see if I got any messages and I got one from Niall.

Niall: why are you not answering my calls?

Avery: sorry Lilly and I are busy and the service is bad at the moment. Maybe call you later?

Niall: fine. You're off the hook this time. Make sure you call me later alright

Avery: of course I will don't worry

I can't wait to see his face when we surprise him and hopefully he won't be mad at me.


"Ladies and gentlemen we have landed in Los Angeles. Hope you have a great stay" the captain announced

Halfway through the flight Lilly fell asleep.

"Lilly get up. We are here" I told her

She opened her eyes and looked at me.

"How did you sleep?" I asked her

"Good" she said

"You ready to see your dad?" I asked her

"Yes" she said

"Let's go" I told him

Not gonna lie I'm really nervous to meet Niall. My stomach is doing backflips whenever we are getting closer to meet him. I don't know if I'm nervous or I'm just excited to meet him.

We got out of the airplane. I had to carry Lilly since she looked so sleepy and the bags. Luckily, I found a cart where I could put the bags on and carry Lilly at the same time. Tara is picking us up from the airport and I'm very excited. I haven't seen her since Niall went on tour and I'm excited to spend time with her this time. Tara texted me that she is here. I went out of the airport and went to find her car with Lilly on my hip. I finally found her and walked up to her.

"Hi Avery and Lilly" she said as she gave me a hug

"Hi Tara. Thanks for picking us up" I told her as I helped with the bags and put them in the trunk

"No problem. Do you need help to put her in the car seat?" Tara asked me

"No I'm good" I told her

She opened the door for me and I put Lilly's car seat on the seat and put her in. She is still sleepy from the plane ride so she's falling asleep while I was putting her in her car seat.

"Is Lilly tired?" Tara asked me and Lilly nodded if that question for her and I chuckled as I closed the door

"Yes she is. She slept halfway through the plane ride" I told her as we got inside the car

"Oh good thing she slept through. How's the flight?" she asked

"It was good. Like I said Lilly fell asleep halfway through and I just listened to music" I told her

"Oh that's good. You know Niall misses you both" she said as she drove us to Niall's house

Niall has a place in LA while he is LA so Lilly and I are going to stay there for a while.

"Really?" I asked Tara

"Yes and he talks about you a lot. Are you two?" she asked me and I know what she'd asking

"I don't know if I'm allowed to tell you and honestly I don't know what we are. We told each other we like each other and we kiss but he hadn't made it official yet" I told her

"I think he will make it official while you guys are. Niall hasn't started dating after Alexa passed away so I'm guessing he is still new to this but don't worry he will make you guys official soon. You guys are cute together" she said and I smiled at her

"Thanks you" I told her and she smiled

I looked at Lilly in the review mirror to see she is fully awake and she is looking out the window.

"Lilly are you okay?" I asked her and she looked at me

"Yes" she said

"Do you want snacks?" I asked her

"I want the gummies please" she said and I nodded

I always carry snacks in purse just in case Lilly starts to get hungry.

"Now I know why Niall likes you. You keep snacks in your purse" she said and I couldn't help laugh

"I only keep them for Lilly but he does steal from my purse time to time" I told her and she chuckled

"Of course he does. I swear to you that boy will eat anything I swear when he gets hungry" she said and I giggled

"Yes he can" I told her

I gave Lilly her gummies and then turned to Tara.

"Do you want one?" I asked her

"Sure if you have one pack" she said

"Don't worry I have plenty of packs" I told her and gave her one while she was driving

"Thanks" she said

"You're welcome" I told her

I opened one pack and ate some as Tara drove us to Niall's house.

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