Chapter 11

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Avery POV

"Oh my goodness. I'm glad you're okay" Maura said as she pulled me into a hug

I was stunned at first but I smiled and hugged her back. The next morning we decided to pick Lilly at Niall's mums house. Last night was fun. For dinner Niall ordered pizza since I told him I didn't for the past few days. He ordered pizza ewe watched a movie together.

"I guess you forgot about me mum. I'm standing right here" Niall said and I giggled

"I know you are but this girl has been through a lot. I just want to make sure she's alright. Are you alright?" Maura asked me and I smiled at her

"I'm alright Maura. You're son has been taking good care of me" I told her as she went to hug Niall

He smiled and hugged her back.

"That's good" she said and Lilly came running to the front door

"Daddy" she said as she sprinted to Niall

Niall smiled at her and bent down to her level and gave her a hug.

"Hi my princess. Have you been good to grandma?" Niall asked her as Lilly looked at him

"Like always she has been good" Maura said and I smiled "Why don't you guys come in? I could make some tea" Maura said

"No it's okay mum. We should get going. Maybe another day?" Niall asked Maura and she nodded

"Yes another day will be fine. See you guys later" Maura said

She gave me a hug before giving Niall and Lilly a hug. After all of the hugging Niall, Lilly and I left Niall's mums house


"Hey Avery" Niall said as he came down the stairs

I looked at him and he is wearing a pair of jeans and a light purple t-shirt.

"Yes" I told him

Right now I'm on the living room playing with Lilly while Niall was talking to someone on the phone.

"I know I told you that you could have a few days off before watching Lilly. But can you watch her today? Since I missed rehearsals yesterday my tour manager wants to come in to rehearse the whole setlist before we are ready for tour. I'm sorry-" he was going to say something else but I cut him off by putting my hand on his mouth and he looked at me with one of his eyebrows raised

"It's okay Niall. Go you have a job and I'm alright. I'm fine watching Lilly while you go for work" I told him and he smiled at me

"Thanks Avery. You can make her lunch in a few minutes. There's some chicken nuggets or fries in the fridge. Maybe I could do some grocery shopping before I come back" Niall said as he grabbed his car keys

"Or we could do it. We could go grocery shopping" I told him and he looked at me

"Really? But how are going to go?" he asked me

"That's a good question. How am I going to go?" I asked myself and Niall chuckled

Niall thought about something for a few minutes and then put his keys down on the counter table.

"Niall what are you doing?" I asked him

"You know how to drive and you have your license do you?" Niall asked me

"Yeah it's in my wallet. Why?" I asked him

"I'm going to give you my keys. Take Lilly shopping with you today. Also, I'm going to leave credit cards with you also. Get something for yourself to to because believe me you're going to stay with me for a long time" Niall said as he was about to hand me his credit card but I didn't take it

I don't want to be that person that spends other peoples money. I really feel bad when I do that.

"No I can't do that. Trust me I have money" I told him

"I don't care. You are taking my card and you're going to use it for today. I'm going to ask Lilly if you used it today or I'm going to check online if you used it. Please use this card and get yourself something to eat please okay. I want you to get whatever food you want" he said

"Okay. Thanks Niall" I told him as he handed me his card

"You're welcome. Oh by the way I have a surprise for you later. There might be a big box coming at the door today" he said with a smirk on his face

"Niall. What did you do?" I asked him

He didn't answer me. Instead, he just walked over to Lilly and picked her up from behind to make her squeal.

"Daddy you scared me" Lilly said as he kissed her cheek and held her like baby

"Avery do you like my new baby?" Niall asked me as he cradled Lilly like a baby and I giggled as I walked over to them

"Yes I do. She's cute isn't she?" I asked Niall

"Daddy I'm not a baby. I'm 3 years old" Lilly said

"Still your my baby" Niall told her

"Put me down" she said and Niall put her down "Where are you going?" Lilly asked Niall and he bent down to her height

"I'm going to work but Avery is going to watch you and she's going to take you grocery shopping" Niall told her

"In your car?" Lilly asked Niall and Niall chuckled

"Yes in my car and make sure" Niall said and Niall whispered something in her ear while looking at me "Got it Lilly" Niall said as he looked at Lilly

"Got it daddy" Lilly said

"Wait Niall how are you going to work?" I asked him as he got up after he gave Lilly a hug and a kiss and then he walked over to me

"Someone is going to pick me up" he said

"Oh okay" I told him and he looked back at Lilly as he picked her up

"Be good okay. I don't want to hear any complaints from Avery. If I do then you will get a punishment okay" he told her as he tickled her a little bit to make her laugh

"Daddy stop" she said and he did "I promise I will be good" she told him

"Okay good. I'll be back" he said

He put her down and he walked over to me.

"Are you okay to watch her?" Niall asked me

"Yes I am and technically this is my job" I told him

"That's true and thank you for doing this by the way. I know you're still recovering" he said but I cut him off pretty my hands on his shoulders and he looked at me

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Just relax and go before you back out from this rehearsal and say that you want to stay here instead" I told him and he smiled at me

"Thanks Avery. You're the best. Thank you" he said as he gave me a hug

I smiled and hugged him back.

"You're welcome and I know" I told him

He laughed before heading out. I smiled at myself and looked down at the credit card in my hand. I still can't believe he gave me his card. I feel bad for using it but I don't have that much money to buy groceries. This is what I'm going to do. I'm going to use the money I have then use his card. That would work right?

I looked at Lilly who is playing with her dolls. I'm telling you that girl is spoiled. She has the living room filled with her toys and Niall made a play room for her and there's more toys in there.

"Lilly should we get dressed? We are going to go grocery shopping today" I told her

"Okay. Can you help me?" she asked shyly and I chuckled

"Yes I can. Come on" I told her

She went upstairs while I followed behind her. I helped her get dressed while I got dressed too before heading out to the grocery store.

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