chapter 2. kakyoin acting weird towards the crusaders

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As they all packed their things to go to Egypt they went to their first stop as they all got to a hotel, as they all got different rooms as kakyoin then spoke "me and jotaro will get a room will you both get a room correct Me joestar?" He had asked as joseph responded "yes kakyoin if anything seems off warn us there could be a stand user around here somewhere just waiting to attack us so if anything happens please us know alright?" He had said as everyone went to their rooms to unpack as they all relaxed as they all talked to each other about other stuff that was on their minds.

To be continued...

Kakyoin's [p.o.v]

Kakyoin then looked at jotaro as he had asked a Question towards jotaro "hey jotaro are you sure we're gonna beat this Dio guy? We don't even know what stand he even got for all we know he could be getting people to join him so he could be getting people as his army to come kill us and especially if he already found someone to plant that stuff in someone else's head like he did mine" kakyoin said as he thought to himself "what if its someone we know? I wonder how jotaro feels knowing he was gonna lose his mother due to this sickness due to that bastard monster Dio" kakyoin's thoughts kept roaming his mind

Jotaro's [p.o.v]

"Yeah true plus we need to keep a look out just in case he sent someone after us especially after me and joseph so we all need to keep a look, out but if we ever run into this someone then we need to do everything we can to get the bud out of them then" he had said as he then noticed that kakyoin was in his own thoughts "kakyoin? What's wrong?" Jotaro had asked as he looked at him as he raised an eyebrow towards, him in curiosity as he then got up to go to his grandfather as he then knocked on the door hoping his grandfather would open the door while Joseph got up as he went to the door as he looked letting jotaro in as jotaro then spoke "hey old man me and kakyoin are gonna go for a walk alright? If there's something wrong we will contact you" he said as he then left taking kakyoin with him.

Third [p.o.v]

Jotaro and kakyoin went to go for a walk as they went to go get some ice as they both order as jotaro amd kakyoin got their ice cream kakyoin started to lick his ice cream weirdly as jotaro happen to look over as he noticed something wrong with him as he started to walk off with out as he noticed something off as he started to beat someone up as he then walked off as he mumbled "give me a break" he mumbled to himself as he walked off as kakyoin wasn't following him as some kids were kids were around him as he ate a bug as some kids ran off as kakyoin followed Jotaro as they both noticed polnareff as they both noticed that he was there to kill jotaro as jotaro knocked him out as he took him back to the hotel room as he was able to get the flesh bud out as he alerted Joseph and Avdol as they both looked at him "and who are you?" Joseph had asked looking at the other male figure

Polnareff [p.o.v]

Polnareff had noticed jotaro and the smaller male next to him as he tried to attack him as he got knocked out as he then work up on a bed as he seemed confused as he looked around "im jean peir polnareff but call me polnareff" he said as he looked at them both as then asked "may i join you guys on the journey you're on and what if this journey y'all are on?" Polnareff had asked as he looked at them as Joseph spoke up "we're gonna defeat Dio cause my daughter is sick cause of Dio and were just trying to get to cayro to kill him" he had said. As he noticed everyone going to their separate rooms as he gotten himself a room to sleep in as he sat there thinking to himself as he thought about his sister that is dead as he gotten sad knowing he couldn't protect her when it happened to her and her friend

Third [p.o.v]

Everyone had got into their rooms so they could for tomorrow so they could finish,this trip as it was soon the day as everyone gotten up as they went on their day as they all tslked about the plan that to kill Dio as they went to the docks as they found a girl that wants to go with them so she could visit her dad, as they finally let her go with them as they all gotten onto the tug boat as jotaro pulled out a cigarette hoping to smoke it as the captain of the tug noticed as he looked at jotaro "excuse me you can't smoke on here it's our policy" he had said as jotaro gotten mad as he threw it as jotaro then spoke."Why not it's not like i was gonna burn down this tug boat or anything like i get it you like this boat and everything shy couldn't, i smoke?" He had said and asked as the owner looked at him "cause i said so and im sticking to what i said kid and why is she on here? Is like part of you guys? Or what?" He had said as the others looked at her Avdol then spoke "no she must've followed us onto the boat cause shes trying to go visit her dad, or something." The kid then spoke "yeah im trying to see my dad if that a problem to y'all?." They all shook their heads no

Jotaro's [p.o.v]

"Give me a break" jotaro had said as he walked off trying to find somewhere to sit down as he then thought to himself "this is gonna be a long ass trip to Dio" while kakyoin followed him sitting by him as he then leaned on his head on his shoulder wondering what jotaro would do as he then looked up at him as jotaro looked at him as he raised an eyebrow towards him as he then spoke "why are you laying on me cherry?" He had asked not realizing he called him cherry

Kakyoin's [p.o.v]

Kakyoin then blushed at the nickname "cherry? And cause you seem very comfortable to lay on besides" he had said with a smile as he then started to have feelings for jotaro "hey jotaro?" Kakyoin had said as he looked at him while jotaro looked at him "hm? What is it kakyoin?" He had asked looking at him while kakyoin started to lean closer kissing him as he had blushed red like his hair not knowing what would be his reaction to this while jotaro blushed he kissed back as he then pulled away as he hid his face in his hat "i like you as well kakyoin and i know you like me back too" he said as kakyoin chuckled softly as he nodded in agreement as he continued to lay on him as he slowly started to fall asleep from the, warmth from jotaro.

To be continued...

Author's note : Awoop Jumpscare left it on a cliff hanger! But ill definitely add more and soon there will be spicy part's soon as well but they will also be more part's that will be added soon trust me y'all ;)//

𝑨 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒕𝒘𝒐 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔  Jotaro x Kakoyin  [jjba Fanficton]Where stories live. Discover now