Chapter 10. A Happy Ending?

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Everyone had noticed it was getting gloomy outside as it soon started to pour down rain as Joseph mentioned "I didnt know it was supposed to rain but I guess it's gonna be raining the entire week" Joseph had mentioned while Jotaro looked at him "I thought we was gonna get rain tell next week gramps?" He had said towards Joseph "I thought so too I guess not" he gave a small chuckle as they both went back to watching the movie as they all watched movie's all day and night as Avdol noticed that Joseph and Polnareff were asleep as he saw Joseph laying his head on Ponlareff for comfort as he chuckled softly to himself as he watched the movie with Jotaro and the others that were still up and watching the movie, as he had yawned to himself as he slowly fell asleep himself while Jotaro had laid his head on Kakyoin as he had falling asleep on his lap as he had wrapped his arm around his small waist while Kakyoin looked down as he chuckled softly as he smiled at him as he slowly fell asleep himself while the next day came Kakyoin was the first one to wake up noticing it was still raining as he had kissed Jotaro's head while Jotaro buried his face into Kakyoin's stomach as he smiled softly as then he then woke up rubbing his eyes as he looked at him "morning sleepy head" as Kakyoin said softly looking down at Jotaro with a smile as Jotaro looked at him "morning my love" he had said with his sleepy voice as he had gently kissed him as they both blushed as he had hid his face within his hat out of habit when he's in embarrassed as they both looked at each other with a smile.

Jotaro's [p.o.v]

Jotaro was out window shopping with Avdol and Joseph while Polnareff stayed back with Kakyoin to keep him distracted while the boys went out window shopping for something special for Kakyoin soon they had arrived at a ring shop as they the three of them went into the shop letting him look for a ring for Kakyoin as Jotaro looked for a ring that stood out to him the most Jotaro had bought the ring for Kakyoin as the boys went back to the house as Avdol and Joseph signal Polnareff to move out of the way while the boys moved while Kakyoin were very confused on what was going on Jotaro had gotten on one knee waiting for Kakyoin to turn around as he had turned around seeing Jotaro on one knee as Jotaro looked at him as he had said "will you marry me Kakyoin?" He had said with a blush on his face he hide his face in his brim of his hat out of habit.

Kakyoin's [p.o.v]

Kakyoin had noticed that Polnareff had moved as he was confused on what going on as he had turned around looking at Jotaro noticing he was on his knee as he started to tear up as he heard Jotaro say "will you marry me?" Kakyoin had blushed madly as he nodded his head signaling he would, while Jotaro had gotten up as he put the wing on him as he hugged him hiding his face in his cherry hair while Kakyoin would burry his face into his fiancé's chest happy that he's getting married to his lover his best friend, he was very happy as he gently kissed his lovers cheek with a smile, Jotaro smiled softly as he kissed his head gently while Kakyoin looked at him "you know you just made my day better you wanna, go to the arcade and have fun there my love?" He had softly said towards Jotaro while Jotaro smiled softly as he blushed lightly at the name "of course my love" Jotaro had said as he smiled softly as they both walked to the arcade to play some video games to pass the time. They both ended up getting hungry as Jotaro looked at Kakyoin "where do you wanna eat Kakyoin? Cause I know your hungry" Kakyoin looked at him "yeah i am I might know a place where we can eat Jotaro" Jotaro looked at him as he nodded.

Jotaro's  [p.o.v]

Jotaro started walking to the nearest restaurant as they both a got a both for each other they ordered their drinks and food as he looked at Kakyoin "when we get home you wanna watch a movie with the others?" Kakyoin then looked at him as he nodded "yeah of course as long it's not a scary movie I'll be fine but yet again even if it was a scary movie I would've just clinged to you so" Kakyoin had said while Jotaro looked at him as he nodded as he chuckled softly towards him as he thought 'I wonder what the others are doing right now... their probably watching tv or taking a nap' Jotaro had sat there thinking as the, food and the drinks had arrived they both started eating as they were having a conversation with each other about marine animals. Soon they both gotten done eating as they head back to the house as they both walked inside Jotaro looked at them as he grabbed blankets for everyone as he sat on the floor next to Kakyoin enjoying his company like usual as he laid his head on his shoulder.

Third [p.o.v]

Everyone was watching the movie as they we're watching it while everyone was asleep Kakyoin and Jotaro decided to go his room which was on the other side of the house as they both went there Jotaro and Kakyoin looked at each other as they both blushed as they both ended up taking their clothes off as they went to the bed, as Jotaro had kissed Kakyoin's neck while Kakyoin moaned softly while Jotaro had teased him some while Kakyoin was a blushing mess while being a moaning mess while Jotaro soon went into him as he was slowly moving his hips while he was panting like crazy while he soon moved his hips even more thrusting in and out while Kakyoin was moaning like crazy while panting while muffling his moans by biting his lovers shoulders while Jotaro was leaving love marks on his lovers chest so they wouldn't be noticeable the next day soon they both finished as they were laying there as they went to take a shower while they went to lay down again as they both fell asleep.

The next day

Polnareff's [p.o.v.]

He had looked at Joseph as he had asked Joseph the question "so Joseph I heard that someone he a crush on someone" he had asked Joseph while Joseph looked at him confused Joseph then thought when asked that 'crush? I don't think I even have a, crush anyone not that know of ' he had thought as he said something "uhm not that I know of why? Cause I'm confused of the sudden question Polnareff maybe I do maybe I don't so let's say I do so what?" Joseph had said looking at Polnareff while Polnareff looked at him "just making sure cause it seems like you got a crush on Avdol" he had also mentioned as he then walked off with a chuckled as he was walking  off getting a drink from the kitchen as he went to watch tv with Avdol and  Joseph while he yawned as he went go to his room as he plopped on his bed a he fell asleep.

Jospeh's/Avdol's [p.o.v]

Joseph ended up falling on the couch as he covered up in his blanket as he was still tired since he get much sleep the previous night while Avdol was still watching tv as he gotten up making himself some breakfast as he gotten done making breakfast for himself he sat back on the couch as he continued to watch tv while eating his food while hearing Joseph's snoring right next to him as he sighed softly to himself as he left the tv on going for walk as he walked looking around going shopping for food as well as he went to the mall to get a few things as he went back home to the others as he put everything away as he noticed Jotaro was awake "hello Jotaro good seeing you this morning while everyone is asleep but did you have a good sleep?" Jotaro looked at him "yeah I did and good morning to you too Avdol I see that you went to the store for a lot of things how did that go?" Jotaro had asked leaning on the counter drinking some coffee as he yawned rubbing his eyes as he yawned from being so tired from the previous night with Kakyoin. Avdol looked at him "it was good the mall more chaotic then it usually was so luckily I went in and got what I need and gotten out in time before the chaoticness really happened so that is plus so" Avdol had said while Jotaro nodded as he at on the stool "I see the old man finally went to sleep finally after not getting much sleep" Jotaro said, while Avdol looked at him "ah yeah he went to sleep before I left to do what I needed to do so". Jotaro nodded as he went back to him room to lay back down with Kakyoin while Avdol finally put everything away as he sat down as he decided to take a nap. From all the chaoticnes from the mall and the store's he had went to since he was tired from all of that.

To be continued in the next chapter...

Author's Note: so I know this was bit sloppy so I'm sorry in advanced so but the next chapter won't be as sloppy as this one but other than that leave me suggestions and all that but chow ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22 ⏰

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𝑨 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒕𝒘𝒐 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔  Jotaro x Kakoyin  [jjba Fanficton]Where stories live. Discover now