Chapter 6. Missing Kakyoin part 2

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Jotaro's [p.o.v]

Jotaro then woke in the middle of the night as he rubbed his eyes as he sat up as he stared at the bed as he went to go a drink as he grabbed it not realizing it was alcohol as he sipped it sitting on the bed drinking the alcohol as he was drowning his sorrows hoping his lover was okay as he continued to drink the alcohol's, that were in his room hoping he could get drunk and so he couldn't remember what that night as he soon got drunk as he stopped drinking as he laid on his bed as he looked up at the ceiling knowing he wanted to go cold hearted but couldn't because he loves kakyoin so much.

Kakyoin's [p.o.v]

Kakyoin felt bad for leaving the hospital knowing that jotaro was gonna go to the hospital to visit him, as he then gotten up walking hoping to clear his mind from the negative thoughts that was on his mind as he had his hands in his pocket's as he walked to a nearby park as he looked at the benches as he had gotten a flash back from where he would, go to a park playing as he then would look aaay from the bench. Kakyoin then would walk away as he thought to himself "I'm pretty sure i made jotaro go cold hearted.. Fuck.." He thoughted as he would go travel somewhere else knowing that jotaro would put up missing poster's around everywhere they would go.

Time skip to the next day

Jotaro's [p.o.v]

Jotaro had woken up before the other's, as he left a note for Avdol as he went to get flowers for kakyoin as he went to his room as he then spoke "kakyoin?.. Are you awake?" He had asked as he walked towards the bed as he looked at the bed noticing he was gone he then set down the flower's as he went up to the nurse that was taking care of kakyoin "uhm excuse me miss have you seen a small person that has red hair and cherry earrings?" He had asked as the nurse looked at him "no i haven't i was about to go in there and take care of, him why mr. Jotaro?" She had asked while jotaro looked at her "because he is gone like all the things are out of his body" he had said as him and the nurse went back to the room.

Third [p.o.v]

Jotaro and the nurse looked around the whole hospital looking for kakyoin as the nurse told other nurses about the situation while every nurse looked around the entire hospital as the nurse looked at jotaro as she said "sir we might think he's gone cause, everyone in this facility doesn't know where he is. And were afraid that he must've escaped while no one was looking, so you might have to ask around to ask where he is alright." Jotaro nodded as he then walked out going back to the motel as he would go back to his room as he walked into the room as he set the flowers down looking at the ground, while Avdol woke looking at him as he had asked "jotaro why are you not at the hospital to see kakyoin?" Avdol had asked looking at him while jotaro looked at him "yeah i thought so too.. But when i got there they said that he must've escaped while they wasn't looking and they say they haven't seen him and i don't know where he is and im worried about him.." Jotaro had said as he sighed softly as his mind started to wonder. While the other's woke up as they went over to avdol and jotaro as they both asked the same question as jotaro explained to them.

Jotaro's [p.o.v]

Jotaro sat there as his mind wondered everywhere as he thought "why did he do this?. He would never do this i need to find him before anything happens to him.." Jotaro had thought to himself as he made missing poster's about kakyoin as he went around putting them on everything as he was starting to get cold hearted as he looked around as he started to ask the locals to see if they saw him as the locally told him they didn't see him he went back to the motel room as he sat on the bed being cold hearted as he had sighed looking at the ground thinking about the future he wanted with kakyoin.

Kakyoin's [p.o.v]

Kakyoin soon started to see the missing poster's around as he grabbed one looking at it as he immediately started to tear up as he had wiped his tears as he thought to himself "i knew i shouldn't of done this now jotaro hates me now for doing this to him.. I should definitely go back to the hospital.." He had thought to himself as he had an idea as he thought that he would go back to the hospital two days from today as he just stayed out of plane sight of everyone.

Jotaro's [p.o.v]

Jotaro went to talk to Joseph about the trip "old man do you think we could stay here just in case kakyoin shows up again in the hospital again cause im very worried about him.." He had said looking at him while Joseph looked at him as he said "yeah we can I'll talk to the others about it alright just go get some rest alright before your sleep schedule gets messed up all because your worried about your kakyoin." He had said towards him while jotaro nodded in agreement as he went back to his room as he went to get some sleep so he could rest just in case the other's went out to eat or to see if they could find kakyoin. Soon enough he had woken up from a dream as he looked around as he sighed softly as he went to Joseph to hang out with them.

To be continued

Author's note: ah yes more sad angst stuff and not sorry for leaving it on a cliff hanger kinda but don't worry next will be more happier but anyways chow ;)

𝑨 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒕𝒘𝒐 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔  Jotaro x Kakoyin  [jjba Fanficton]Where stories live. Discover now