Chapter 3. meeting iggy

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Kakyoin's [p.o.v]

Kakyoin then blushed at the nickname "cherry? And cause you seem very comfortable to lay on besides" he had said with a smile as he then started to have feelings for jotaro "hey jotaro?" Kakyoin had said as he looked at him while jotaro looked at him "hm? What is it kakyoin?" He had asked looking at him while kakyoin started to lean closer kissing him as he had blushed red like his hair not knowing what would be his reaction to this while jotaro blushed he kissed back as he then pulled away as he hid his face in his hat "i like you as well kakyoin and i know you like me back too" he said as kakyoin chuckled softly as he nodded in agreement as he continued to lay on him as he slowly started to fall asleep from the, warmth from jotaro.

Jotaro's [p.o.v]

Jotaro gave a small chuckle towards, the smaller male as he noticed that kakyoin was falling asleep from his warmth as he smiled softly toward's him as he also fell asleep after the smaller male did. While the other's next door talked about their plans while Joseph came over to check up on Jotaro and kakyoin as he noticed the two boys being asleep cuddling each other as he went back, to Avdol and polnareff as the three of them went to go for a walk. Jotaro and kakyoin stayed asleep as he stirred some in his sleep as he had wrapped his arms around the smaller male that was sleeping next to him as the smaller male slept next to him Jotaro had moved some in his sleep as he woke up, from his little nap he had. He then looked down at the smaller male as he then got up to check and see if the old man was in his room as he went to their room to check and see if anyone was there as he noticed no one was there as he softly sighed to himself as hs went back to his room with kakyoin

Kakyoin's [p.o.v]

Kakyoin was softly snoring as he had snuggled into Jotaro's chest as he noticed that jotaro had got up as he laid there as he cuddled, into the blanket as he waited tell jotaro came back as he felt Jotaro gotten back into bed as he had snuggled into him. As he wrapped his arms around his waist as he hid his face into jotaro's neck as he slept peacefully in his arms as he soon slowly woken up as he laid there as he had yawned softly. As he had gotten up going to get a drink as he drinks it, as he soon came back into the bed as he sat there as he looked at Jotaro as he then spoke "so jotaro would you like to go out with me?" The smaller male had asked as he looked at him with a small smile towards the taller male. While jotaro blushed lightly as he had looked at him "yeah of course i would love to date you" Jotaro had said as he smiled softly towards him.

Third [p.o.v]

Polnareff and Avdol and Joseph went on a walk as they, went to where the speedwagon foundation was at as they were getting a dog named. Iggy as the three of them get iggy they both go back to the hotel as they both went to their separate rooms as iggy,stayed with polnareff to keep him company as polnareff payed attention towards iggy as iggy went to polnareff, as iggy laid near him wanting to be petted as he slowly fell asleep while Joseph and Avdol, were talking about anything while jotaro and kakyoin looked at each other talking about anything while polnareff went to kakyoin and jotaro's room with iggy as he walked in with iggy as he  sat on the bed near them both iggy as they both noticed iggy as jotaro makes a comment "im guessing y'all went to the speedwagon foundation to get him?" He had asked while polnareff nodded "yeah we did and honestly it wasn't pretty at all so" polnareff had as he noticed it was getting dark outside as he went to his own room with iggy as he laid on the bed falling asleep while polnareff fell asleep as well while the other's also fell asleep as well hoping, they all get some rest for tomorrow's trip.

Jotaro's [p.o.v]

Jotaro was sounding asleep during the night he felt the sun hitting his eyes as he groaned as he hid his face in the smaller male's hair to hide his face from the sunlight as he felt his lover moved underneath him he looked at kakyoin with a smile as he said "morning sunshine" he said with a sleepy voice while kakyoin smiled towards him "well good morning to you too" he softly said as he chuckled softly as kakyoin kissed, his cheek softly while kakyoin smiled towards him kissing his cheek in return as he laid on him being comfortable. Jotaro soon got up as he heard screams coming from next door as he ran out going to next not knowing what was going he panic hoping he could get an answer from someone "old man?? Avdol?? Are you you guy's okay??" He gotten no response.

To be continued in the next part...

Author's note: ah yes another cliffhanger! But I hope y'all enjoy it I will finish this soon ;)

𝑨 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒕𝒘𝒐 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔  Jotaro x Kakoyin  [jjba Fanficton]Where stories live. Discover now