Chapter 9. couple years later after the fight with Dio.

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As Dio and jotaro went to go fight it out by themselves as of alot of screaming and stuff blowing up jotaro was able to defeat Dio once and for all so they all coulf have peace and have a normal life as he saw a book lighting it on fire as he looked at the burning book as he went back to the other's with some injuries as he leaned on the smaller male for support so he wouldn't fall face first into the ground while everyone went back to the airport while polnareff went back to italy the others went back to Japan while jotaro laid his head on the smaller male as he kissed his cheek softly while kakyoin looked at him smiling softly towards him as he gave a small chuckle towards him as he had laid his head on the taller male's head as they both fell asleep on the plane while Joseph and Avdol watched as they both chuckle softly towards as they got rest. Soon everyone was in Japan while Avdol went to do what he needed to do while kakyoin and jotaro went to his place while they talked and bullshitted around laying next to each other.

Third [p.o.v]

Jotaro and Ponlareff, and everyone else out celebrating knowing that dio was finally defeated once and for all. Everyone went to a certain restaurant as everyone sat down while Jotaro and Kakyoin sat next to each other like they always do as they all talked about what they should do especially after defeating Dio and all of his minions while everyone ordered what food they wanted they went to talk about what they were originally talking about as they all waited tell their food gotten there they had previously got their drinks as their ended up arriving as they chowed down on their food while Jotaro and kakyoin sat there taking and eating. Soon they all gotten done eating while they went back to Jotaro's place as himself and Kakyoin while they both were playing video games so Jotaro could get better at the games his lover likes to play.

Kakyoin's [p.o.v]

Kakyoin was enjoying the company from his lover he felt save with him knowing that Dio was defeated as he then leaned on Jotaro as he smiled softly towards him while Jotaro looked at him as he chuckled softly as he kissed his head gently as him and Kakyoin kept playing games until later on that night were they both got tired as they turned off the game as they both got comfortable clothes on knowing that they don't have to deal with Dio and his minions no more s they both fell asleep as Kakyoin hid his face in Jotaro's chest as Jotaro looked at him wrapping his arms around him as he slowly fell asleep knowing he found the one for the rest of his life. As him and Jotaro slept through the night he kept close to Jotaro.

The next day.

Kakyoin had woken up before Jotaro knowing that he was very tired, as he let him sleep as he laid there waiting for him to wake up so they could eat together or play more games together. Soon Jotaro had moved some as he had woken up as he had yawned rubbing his eyes as he stretched some as he looked at Kakyoin as he kissed his cheek to catch him off guard as kakyoin looked at him with a smile as he hugged Jotaro with a smile as he giggled softly knowing he was in safe hands as he ruffled Jotaro's hair as Jotaro chuckled softly as he gotten up to get breakfast with Kakyoin me the others knowing that they were waiting on them both to get up. As they both walked to the dinning room they both sat down at the table waiting for breakfast as they all ate together talking about the plans that they all had during the day as Jotaro and Kakyoin went to the nearest arcade that near them as they both went and played the games while they both won a lot of tickets as they both went to get a plushie s they soon went back to the house as they both sat down talking about random stuff that was on their minds as they both smiled at each other.

Third [p.o.v]

The other slowly walked to the door way as they all watched as they all smiled softly knowing that the boys were happing together as they all knew that it would've had happened in the near future as they went back to living room as they all talked as they left the boys alone as they went to out for a walk as they give the boys a warning about leaving as they went out to talk to get a fresh air as they all talked about the defeat of Dio knowing if they talked about it around Jotaro and Kakyoin they would get ptsd or anxiety. They all laughed and had a great time as they went back to the house were the boys was as they walked in as Avdol went to the boys and ask "you boys wanna watch a movie with us? If so I'll make the popcorn for everyone" Avdol had said as he walked into the kitchen to make the popcorn for everyone while Jotaro and Kakyoin had agreed as they went into the living room as they had sat on the floor by the couch as they waited for the popcorn and the movie to start.

Jotaro's [p.o.v]

Jotaro had sat on the floor as he waited for the popcorn that Avdol was making for them as he rubbed his eyes some leaning his head back some one the couch as he laid his head on Kakyoin as he smiled softly as he was being a big softy towards him as he grabbed a blanket for them both in case Kakyoin getting cold since how small he was compared to Jotaro as Kakyoin gotten closer to Jotaro for comfort as he laid his head on his head as the movie was starting as him and Jotaro as handed popcorn from Avdol as Avdol went to go sit down by the others as he watched the movie with everyone else enjoying everyone's company. While Jotaro and Kakyoin was enjoying the movie he ended up finishing his popcorn before any one else as he had to get up to get a drink as he sat back down by Kakyoin as he gotten comfortable again by him as he continued to watch the movie with them.

Third [p.o.v]

Everyone had noticed it was getting gloomy outside as it soon started to pour down rain as Joseph mentioned "I didnt know it was supposed to rain but I guess it's gonna be raining the entire week" Joseph had mentioned while Jotaro looked at him "I thought we was gonna get rain tell next week gramps?" He had said towards Joseph "I thought so too I guess not" he gave a small chuckle as they both went back to watching the movie as they all watched movie's all day and night as Avdol noticed that Joseph and Polnareff were asleep as he saw Joseph laying his head on Ponlareff for comfort as he chuckled softly to himself as he watched the movie with Jotaro and the others that were still up and watching the movie, as he had yawned to himself as he slowly fell asleep himself while Jotaro had laid his head on Kakyoin as he had falling asleep on his lap as he had wrapped his arm around his small waist while Kakyoin looked down as he chuckled softly as he smiled at him as he slowly fell asleep himself while the next day came Kakyoin was the first one to wake up noticing it was still raining as he had kissed Jotaro's head while Jotaro buried his face into Kakyoin's stomach as he smiled softly as then he then woke up rubbing his eyes as he looked at him "morning sleepy head" as Kakyoin said softly looking down at Jotaro with a smile as Jotaro looked at him "morning my love" he had said with his sleepy voice as he had gently kissed him as they both blushed as he had hid his face within his hat out of habit when he's in embarrassed as they both looked at each other with a smile.

To be Continued in the next chapter...

Author's note: Ah yes another cliffhanger kinda and my apologies for not updating been dealing with a few things here lately but I will surely update it even more and I know this didn't have much action but I will make sure the next chapter will have a lot of action and maybe the next chapter will have a little spice with Avdol and Joseph maybe but other than that also feel free to leave me suggestions as well but chow :)

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