27 ¶¶ AMENDS

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"How long do you intend to keep this up?" Diana chuckled as I ended the call on my non-stop ringing phone.

"I'll keep doing it until he stops calling." I got back to the paperwork I was reviewing.

It's been a few days since Jayden and I had a fight and he won't stop calling or texting.

I blocked his main cell but somehow he manages to reach out to me through different others.

"He's persistent, I'll give him that. That is a nice quality to have as a man..." I gave her a glare. "But he's a douche and you will proceed to ignore him."

"Thank you for that wonderful advice."

She rolled her eyes at me. "The guy is sorry, just hear him out. I almost cried at that text he sent you."

When Jayden saw that I wasn't going to answer any of his calls he changed his tactics.

Using a new cell number, he sent a text ;

Unknown number
Hey Ash, it's Jayden. Would've said this over the phone but you're ignoring me for obvious reasons. I just want to say that I am very very sorry for all the stupid things I said to you. I fxxked up..... again. I'm a d*ck, and I really regret everything I said to you, you didn't deserve anything like that.
I'm sorry Ash, I really am. I miss Jordan and I really want to see my pumpkin......and you too.

Once again I'm so sorry.

"He probably didn't mean a word he said." I shrugged.

"Are you kidding me girl? He literally poured his heart and soul into that text and....."

Knock, knock.

"It's open." I said absentmindedly while typing and reading some planning details simultaneously.

And then Precious walked in holding a small shopping bag.

"Good afternoon Miss Ashley and Miss Diana." She said with a beautiful smile

"Hey girl." Diana chirped. "Lloyd's not giving you issues, is he?"

Her hand instinctively went to her hair. "Oh he's not. I'm not her because of him."

"Oh, so what's the matter?", I questioned but still not lifting my head as I tried to place some figures on the excel sheet.

"Uhhm, the security guy at the post asked me to give this to you Miss Ashley."

This caught my attention so I paused and looked up to her. "Me?"

"Yeah." She walked closer to my desk and put it there. "Said a Jin dropped it off for you."

Jayden when will you stop?

I forced a smile. "Thank you Precious, you may leave if there's nothing else."

She smiled back and left the office.

"Jin? The hell is he?" Diana immediately got off her seat as soon as Precious left.

I sighed and leaned into my seat. "Jayden's PA."

"Damn, this guy is good. Open it up and let's see what he brought." She pushed the bag to me.

"Nah you do that." I picked my paper work up.

"You sure?" I gave her her an absentminded nod of approval.

She immediately picked it from the desk. Few seconds later she let out an awwn.

Out of curiosity, I looked up and I saw her checking out a jewelry box. "Ash look at this." She gave me a clear view of the piece of jewelry.

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