chapter 9 Last Christmas

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"Jimin! Lets build a snowman." Tae moved in closer with an excited smile on his face like a puppy after getting its  ball. Jimin sneezed into his hand kerchief again and faced him with the miserable look his cold had put on his face, "No way I can play in snow in this state Tae." Tae groaned in disappointment, "But you said you would." Jimin sighed feeling bad on backing off of a promise. "I know Tae but I can't really control my cold now can I?" Tae leaned back in defeat, knowing he couldn't possibly convince his sick boyfriend to play in the snow with him because that indeed would be pretty inconsiderate of him. "Fine." Jimin patted his hair in an attempt to make him feel better, "Hey we still have dinner with my parents, you like that right?" Taehyung nodded. "If I feel better then we can go I promise." "Alright aright." 

Jimin smiled, "Now get out before you get kicked out by my professor for the 7th time." Tae crossed his arms with a determined look on his face. "No professor is gonna stop me from seeing my wife." Jimin flushed red in embarrassment at the amount of heads the statement turned. "You can't just say stuff like that here." He whispered hiding his face. Taehyung blinked, "Like what? You're my wife-" Jimin closed his mouth before he could complete the sentence and kicked him out of the hall before his professor could this time. 

A whole 7 hours later Taehyung was finally driving to Jimin's house for their dinner, the radio playing the classic christmas songs the entire way. He picked up his phone as it rang and put in on speaker, "I'm almost there wifey, i'll be there in about 3 minutes." 

"This is his mom but good to know." Jimin walked away from the living room unwilling to be embarrassed any further, keeping in mind to punch taehyung when he gets there. 

"Oops. Hahaha yes Mrs Park. He is gonna kill me." He mumbled the last bit to himself before she hung up. "In my defense how was I supposed to know his mom would call from his phone? Am i not even allowed to call my boyfriend by cute names tsk." he defended himself to air till he reached. 

The sound of the calling bell ringing sounded through the house when Jimin was busy putting the decorations with his dad. "Oh, I suppose your husband is here." his dad announced. Jimin smiled through pain and marched to the door like a soldier going to kill an enemy. Jimin opened the door and almost smacked him but that was before Taehyung said "Merry christmas" with the cutest smile on his face, pecked his cheek, handed him a bouquet of flowers and let himself in. Jimin stressed out about his boyfriend being too nice for 2 solid minutes. "Taehyung-" he called out but no, it was too late. Taehyung was the most highly demanded product in the market of his household. 

He was already near the tree, helping Jimin's dad with what used to be jimin's job 2 minutes ago with his brother tugging on Taehyung's jacket to show him his new toys and his mother wanting him to taste her cookies. "You guys love him more than me at this point." he spoke. Taehyung chuckled, taking a bite of the cookie. "Well he knows how to bake so I need his opinion." Taehyung nodded. "And he can reach the top of the tree." Jimin scoffed, "Its your genes that made me small!" Taehyung started laughing. "And he plays with me." his brother added and Taehyung was breathless at this point. Jimin rolled his eyes, "Well too bad for all of you, he's  my boyfriend first." He grabbed taehyung's arm and pulled him to his room ignoring all noises of protest. 

"Aww is Jiminie jealous your family likes me more than  you." He teased once they were inside his room and the door closed. "That's not the problem dumbass." Jimin pouted placing the flowers on his table. "You don't give me attention when you come here." he complained quietly, feeling too silly to be whining about the fact that his boyfriend gets along with his family too much. Taehyung held his shoulders and turned him around, "You're becoming a little attention deprived kitty." "You can't blame me." he rolled his eyes, avoid eye contact. Taehyung laughed, finding him adorable. "Okay. Wheres my present?" taehyung questioned. Jimin fake coughed, forgetting about whatever happened earlier. "Uh close your eyes!" 

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