chapter 6 Elvis Presly

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Nervous tapping of Taehyung's finger against the table was the only thing audible in the living room. He has been planning on calling Jimin over for dinner the whole evening but doing a terrible job at putting together an appropriate method to ask him. And most of all, he didn't want to make Jimin uncomfortable or think he was being taken advantage of. His train of thoughts were brought to a stop when the landline started ringing. He picked up, knowing it was none other than Jimin.


"Hey Tae, um I need to change the water can."


There was a long pause before Jimin realized Taehyung didn't understand the point of the call.

"I can't put it up. I might drop it."

"Oh" taehyung let out I'm realization. "Okay I'll be there in a bit."

"Okay thank you." jimin replied and hung up.

Taehyung got out of his apartment and walked up to Jimin's. The door opened before his knuckles could touch the wood of the door.

"Hello." Jimin smiled. He had been doing that a lot lately and it had Taehyung in a whirl.
"Hello" he replied, voice unintentionally higher than he intended and turn slightly red in embarrassment. Jimin held back his laughter and let him in. Taehyung made his way to the kitchen but had no water can in sight. He looked at Jimin in confusion, "Where is it?"

"Huh? What?" Jimin questioned back with puppy eyes.

"... The water can?"

"Oh, uh the water yeah um.."
Taehyung watched Jimin fiddle about trying to come up with a response when he finally sighed in defeat.

"That was an excuse."

Taehyung blinked, "for?"

"Seeing you." He rubbed his nape sheepishly.

"I'm sorry were you busy-"

"No not at all. Actually do you wanna eat me?"

Jimin stared, slightly turning pink, "what-"

"Shit I mean do u wanna have to eat with me? Like dine with me together? Eat?"

Jimin pursed his lips, holding back his laughter once more.

"You, me, eat food, nom?" Taehyung made his last attempt that had jimin rolling on the floor. Literally. On the floor.

"Ah come on don't laugh at me.."

Jimin stood up with great difficulty, holding back tears, "I thought you were better at talking than me Taehyung."

"You make me nervous."

"Oh." He responded touching the tips of his bangs, fixing it when it was not even messed up in the first place.

"In a good way."

"Right right yes um so dinner?" Jimin switched the topic. "Are we going to buy?"

Taehyung smiled with a glint of pride, "I can cook."

Jimin gasped slightly, "really? That's so cool!"

Taehyung imitated his surprised face and responded with an "I know right." Which got him kicked out by the blonde ( he just wanted to get ready ). Taehyung stood outside jimin's closed door for a good 3 minutes not realizing why with a stupid smile on his face before he smacked himself out of it and ran up back to his apartment to get started with dinner.

After a good 30 minutes of Taehyung getting into his cooking, Jimin rang the door bell. Taehyung reduced the flame of the stove and walked to the door. Little did he know that on the other side of it, he'd see Jimin look the best he had since Taehyung saw him first. He was wearing a brown sweater that was a little loose on his shoulders, covering half of his palms and black jeans underneath. The best part of it all was he was wearing make up.

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