all - argument

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The Sturniolos were overwhelmed, stressed, and overworked. And we know what that means.
People snap, and that is exactly what Matt did to his brother. 
Chris and Matt were sitting in the living room, Chris scrolling on TikTok, Matt resting his eyes. He was absolutely exhausted, and his anxiety was doing a number on him. Chris pulls out a pack of Oreos from his pocket, and opens them, loudly. He begins munching on the Oreos, smacking his lips, and it is pissing Matt off. "Can you shut the fuck up?" Matt snaps. 
"What? I'm literally eating Oreos, kid." Chris snarled, and Chris being Chris, he begins to make more noise, on purpose. 
"Holy fuck.
Chris, I swear-" Matt snatched the Oreos out of Chris's grasp, throwing them in the trash. "I said, be quiet," 
"Matt, what the fuck?" Chris shouts, fuming. 
"I am so fucking sick and tired of you and your shit, Chris. You chew like a fucking cow, and you annoy the living shit out of me! Shut the fuck up, or change!" Matt yells back. (stop this is so mean i hated writing this) 
Chris is stunned. His eyes brim with tears. And then, he flips out. "Oh yeah? Well fuck you, Matt. No one gives a shit about your fucking childish ass anxiety. Everyone knows that you're just boring as fuck, and then you wonder why all the fucking HATE COMMENTS WE GET ARE ABOUT YOU!" Chris fires back, chest heaving as he screams at his brother. His hair is clinging to his tear-soaked face. 
Upstairs, Nick is listening to the argument. He runs downstairs when he hears Chris losing his shit on Matt. "What the fuck is going on?" he says, rushing into the living room. 
Matt's eyes are full of tears, and he's breathing sharply. "Fuck you, Chris. I hate you." he runs to his room, sobbing loudly. 
Chris turns to Nick, looking panicked. He plops down on the couch his head in his hands, hyperventilating. "I-I- didn't mean it, Nicky," Chris hiccups. 
Nick sits beside him, rubbing his back. "Shhh, I know. I know. Can you try to calm down for me?"
"No, Nick... M-Matt hates me!" Chris sobs, gasping for air. 
"No, honey, he doesn't. Just take a deep breath, that's it. Good, Chris." Nick soothes.

Matt, on the other hand, was not calmed down in the slightest. It felt as if Chris had taken a knife and stabbed him in the heart. He was sobbing his heart out, curled up into a ball in his bed. He did not care how loud he was being, he just sobbed and sobbed until he couldn't anymore. He knew Chris didn't mean anything he said, but it still hurt. Soon, he heard a knock on his door, Chris emerged, with Nick behind him. "Matt?" Chris says softly. 
"What do you want, Chris?" Matt murmurs. 
"I-I- wanted to, um, apologize," Chris says.  "I love you, Matt. I didn't mean any of what I said." Chris's lip trembles, and his eyes well up, tears threatening to spill out. "I am sorry." 
"I am too. I think I'm just tired. My anxiety is getting bad again, and I know that's not an excuse. I never should have acted the way I did," Matt takes a deep breath. "I love you more than anything, Chris," he sobs. "I don't hate you." Matt pulls Chris into a hug. 
"I know, Matty..." Chris cries into Matt's chest. "If there is anything I-I can do, please tell me," Chris says, resting his head on the top of Matt's shoulder.   
Nick joined in the hug, and the triplets ended the night watching a movie. 

that was rlly short.. 
kind of a filler chapter 
I'm procrastinating the requests

I'm so sorry for not updating..
but um- ALMOST 4K READS??

requests are closed for now 
drink water 
eat something
i love you 

~ mia xoxo 

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