Another Chance

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Dying is something that many humans or any being can't feel comfortable with. However, some people find it as a form of comfort. They rather die than live their current life. Some because they think death is the ultimate form of salvation, others because of an accident that happened in an instant and that's also happened with a certain individual. On a planet called Earth, where many humans live and a habitable planet not only for humans but also for animals and plants, there is one person who is currently having to suffer from an accident she experienced.

With a pool of blood lying below her body, and the warmth that leaves her, making her entire body quickly cold—a woman in her early twenties with average height could be seen breathing heavily while sweating, her eyesight was blurred and she could heard the loud noises from around her. Many people surround her, whether it's for recording to upload it on the internet, or trying to help her—all she can think of is right now only one thing.

'Am I going to die right now...? If so, I hope a Goddess of Yuri exists and I can meet her. I want her to grant my wishes. I hope—'

She thought before her time came. Her breathing stopped, her eyes closed, and many people who trying to help her were shocked and saddened knowing that the person they trying to save had already passed away. As she passed away, the woman could feel that her body felt light, as if the exhaustion was leaving her body completely. Not only that, but she also felt her body floating up to the high before she descended into something like the ground which made her eyes flickering when her feet touched the ground and opened them.

"Huh? Where am I...?"

She muttered in confusion, looking around the place, and only found everything was colored white. The atmosphere was pleasant and comfortable, making her feel calm and relaxed before she noticed a bright light appear above her.

"Do not worry about it, my child."

A gentle, motherly, and calm voice could be heard above. She looked up and saw a beautiful woman slowly descend from the sky. A beautiful woman with long golden hair and eyes slowly descended from the sky and went closer to the woman who had been called "my child". That golden-haired woman felt divine as if the dead woman had to bow. However, she cannot as the golden-haired woman approaches and caresses her cheeks with a kind smile.

 However, she cannot as the golden-haired woman approaches and caresses her cheeks with a kind smile

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"You're in my realm. My heaven."


That makes her confused before the one she suspects a goddess continues.

"Or how it is supposed to be. It's still not the right time for you to go there, my child. You still have another chance to live."

The revelation from the golden-haired goddess caused the now-death woman to be shocked. She didn't expect to hear about getting another chance to live. Although there are still some confusing things, hearing something like that makes her slightly smile with joy. The goddess was happy when she noticed the smile.

"Really...? I will get a chance to live? Does that mean... I will live on Earth again?"

However, the goddess shook her head, causing that woman slightly disheartened before the golden-haired goddess answered.

"Unfortunately, you can't, my child. However, instead of Earth, you'll have a chance to live in another world."

She was shocked to hear that and shouted, "Another world?!" and earned a nod from the goddess before she slowly floated backwards. She then has her right hand in swap movement, causing four sheets of paper to float in front of the now-death woman. Seeing them made her to be startled and a little confused.

"This is...?"

She pointed at one of the papers as the goddess then spoke.

"Those are something I decided to give you, my child. You can think of them as choosing which ability you will have in the new life you will have."

"Ability...? But... the content seems very... magically or fantasy-like... does that mean the world I'll live for my new life is...?"

She wondered and earned a nod of confirmation from the goddess, making what she thought to be correct.

"Indeed, my child. You will live your new life in a world where magic exists and thus, I deem giving you the chance to obtain this as essential. It also serves as a form of apology from me since you're not supposed to die this early. I apologize."

She said, bowing her head apologetically, making the human woman feel bad and quickly nervous as she waved her hands to the goddess.

"I-It's okay. Please, don't worry about it. Getting another chance to live again, especially being given a choice like this is already grateful for me. I don't think it's your fault and if you think so, then you've already earned my apology."

Those words spoken from her caused the golden-haired goddess to be speechless. She was in awe and smiled happily with that. She will never forget this from a kind and forgiving human woman like her. The goddess then spoke again to the human.

"As a goddess, I Lesvia, the Goddess of Lesbian, Love, Purity, Marriage and Relationship will never forget about your kindness, my child."

Lesvia said those with her beautiful and charming smile, causing the human woman to slightly blush in embarrassment and chuckle in nervousness. She never thought a goddess would feel like that for her.

"U-Um, no problem, Lesvia... anyway, could I choose them?"

Lesvia nods with, "Of course, my child. You may begin whenever you want." With those words, the human woman then began to choose anything she had from those four sheets of paper. She chose carefully anything that she deemed important or not and after approximately ten minutes, she had done choosing.

"Lesvia, I have already chosen all the abilities I need and want."

Lesvia, who heard that clapped her hands and smiled happily in a cheerful manner.

"Wonderful, my child! Now, we should immediately start the process. You will be reincarnated from the start of your new life. Is that okay for you?"

"I am okay with it. But do my old memories remain even after I reincarnated?"

"It is, don't worry about it, my child. Now, let's begin."

As soon as Lesvia said that, a magical circle appeared and glowing under the human woman. The glow became brighter, enveloping the woman's entire body as Lesvia said something to her before reincarnated.

"I hope you will have a happier life than your old one, my child. And I will always be with you, even after you're reincarnated."

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