Chapter 2 - Louise's Birth

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As Lesvia finally sends that human woman to reincarnate, the now-reincarnated woman slowly opens her eyes and can hear some noises or people's voices. As soon as her eyes opened, the first thing she saw was a pair of small and fragile hands, and then a beautiful woman in her thirties with long pink hair and eyes could be seen. That woman seems exhausted and panting while there is someone beside her, a woman who looks like trying to help that pink-haired woman with something.

"Madam! Your third daughter was born safe and healthy."

"I know. I can see it and... she looks so adorable."

She said, showing a light smile and trying to hold her third daughter, who let out a cry as soon as the baby (or the woman that Goddess Lesvia reincarnated) understood what was happening. The pink-haired woman then tried to lightly touch her third daughter's small hand, which was responded to by the baby.

"Your name is going to be Louise. Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière, the third daughter of the La Vallière family. Nice to meet you, Louise."

Hearing that causes the baby named Louise to be surprised as she instantly recognizes that name and remembers it somewhere in her past life.

'Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière... does that mean... I've reincarnated in the world of Familiar of Zero...? That... that sounds awesome...'

Louise thought cheerfully, happy that she could be reincarnated in one of the anime she watched but then suddenly something struck her mind as she remembered a crucial thing that made her mentally pale.

'Wait! If I was reincarnated as Louise, then... Saito will be my familiar... and to make him my familiar, I have to... kiss him?!'

She was extremely worried about that part since that was happened in the story. Louise here is a lesbian and only interested in a girl, so she doesn't want to fall in love with Saito. It's not like she hates him but Louise prefers girls for a romantic partner. Not only that, she also wants to have a harem since she always wants it and is not only limited to men who can have a harem.

'But wait... Julio and Pope Vittorio are both men, does that mean... there are other ways to seal the contract for it? If that is so then I'll make sure to not kiss him since if having Saito as my familiar is inevitable, then I have to find the other way to seal the contract we made.'

Louise nodded mentally as she determined to find a way for her to avoid something like that. Although it would be better if she somehow could get another Familiar that replaces Saito as the Gandalfr. But there is also something that Louise suddenly remembers.

'What about all the powers I chose before reincarnated? And the girls who will be my future harem? Do they exist here somewhere and I have to find them? And for my power... do I already have it from this moment?'

When she thought of that, suddenly a voice belonging to someone she remembered before getting reincarnated could be heard in her head.

[Worry not, my child. You could already use the powers you choose and for the girls that will accompany you, they are already in the mansion you've received when choosing them. They will not age until you turn sixteen and your private mansion is located near the mountain of Wind Tower of Tristain Academy of Magic. It is also already covered by concealment and teleportation, so you don't have to worry if someone trying to find it or if you want to go there in case you're still not a student of Tristain Academy of Magic. I'll give you the coordinate or the image so you can go there using one of your powers.]

As Lesvia explained all of that to Louise through telepathy or sort of, one of the future Void Mages, she suddenly saw an image flashing onto her head, and a coordinate that led to the mansion she privately has. She was amazed to know those as a part of her memory.

'That... that is awesome... thank you, Lesvia-sama.'

[Thank you, my child and I am happy to be able to help you. Also, as a bonus, I give you something that should be a good thing for you. It will be useful and helpful for you along your lovers in the future. Until then, farewell, my child.]

When Lesvia told her that, Louise was slightly confused and suddenly heard a voice from her mother, and the midwife was surprised at something before they spoke of their minds.

"M-Madam... Lady Louise... she has... she has that..."

She said with disbelief, and Louise's mother only nodded and smiled.

"Yeah. I never thought she would have something like that. I don't know if I could count it as a blessing or curse."

"She's a girl, madam. Lady Louise shouldn't have that."

What they talked about caused Louise to be curious and slightly turn her head as she can saw a small penis on her crotch. No, maybe a penis without testicles but she also still has a vagina with makes her a futanari. Of course that made Louise surprised to see that discovery.

'I... I have a penis?! Does that mean... I am a futanari...? But, how—'

Then she just remembered what Lesvia said.

'So... this is what Goddess Lesvia means... I share the same sentiment with my mother. I don't know if I could count it as a blessing or curse. I just hope everyone would be okay with me being a futanari.'

She thought, trying to be optimistic and the next thing she heard from her mother caused her to be surprised.

"I don't mind it. She might be different than any normal girl but Louise is still the daughter I love. That is what makes her unique from other girls. I'll always love and support her as a mother and parent should do."

She smiled at Louise and kissed her forehead while still carrying her youngest daughter in her arms. Knowing what her mother says, makes Louise happy and grateful since it is different from the one she knows from the anime.

'Thank you, mother, and knowing this, I might have a chance to alter some parts of the canon story! I can't wait for the canon to start!'

She smiled with full of confidence in her head.

The Tale of Louise Happy Yuri Adventure (Futanari Louise x Yuri Harem)Where stories live. Discover now