Giving a tour

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After the success of Louise's familiar summoning who has just summoned Hiraga Saito as the pink-haired mage has already confirmed that he is not the canon Saito since he seems to slip out when he's shocked to see how different Louise is from the canon, the rest of the students then takes their turn in summoning their familiar as well.

Louise then brought Saito along with him to show the black-haired young man the surroundings, even though she knew that he already knew about everything about Halkeginia... however, that knowledge wouldn't be able to help him that much since the Halkeginia he knew and this one right here is vastly different.

He shouldn't be surprised, however, he did. Everything he sees right now is very different than the canon Halkeginia which is very isekai-ish with its typical medieval age. The building of Tristain Academy of Magic is also different, it's more modern and beautiful, and even the shapes are 100% different than what he knew.

'Holy shit! This is the Tristain Academy of Magic?! It's so different! Did I somehow get transported into the Alternate Universe of Halkeginia? If so, then that makes sense and is the only explanation with the highest possibility. I mean, even Louise is...'

His eyes wandered to Louise's huge breasts with a huge blush on his face and noticing his gaze, Louise simply smiled, causing Saito to be in a panic and turn his head away in embarrassment since he got found out by Louise despite she not "his" Louise, or canon Louise.

"And this is the Vesti Courtyard. Mostly students use this as a place to hold a tea party or some sort. Though, we also have the Austri Courtyard which functions the same, however, the small difference is the Austri Courtyard is mainly used for students or academy staff as practical exams or training their magic."

"Does that mean the one we are just now is the Austri Courtyard?"

Louise gives him a nod of affirmation to confirm what he asked is true and correct.

"Indeed, Mr. Saito. The place where we held our Familiar Summoning Ritual Exam is the Austri Courtyard. You can see so many practice targets that can be used for the students, right? Any training-related are always placed there."

"That's... amazing and how come I saw there's also weapons? Like swords, bows, spears, and many other weapons. From what I've seen, everyone here is mages and as far as I know, mages always rely on magic and their wands."

A chuckle escaped Louise when she heard that and gave him an understandable nod since that's how the typical image of a mage that many people perceived, especially considering the old mages of Halkeginia of this world which was massively and drastically changed due to Louise and her wives' efforts these years.

"I can understand the sentiment of that, Mr. Saito. Back then, the mages of this world were exactly as what you've described as they still are overly reliant on the old and typical mage who always placed either in the rear or back position with their familiars as the front or bodyguard so they could buy some times for the mage to cast their spells."

"But what's the use of familiar if that was changed?"

"Of course, it's to support their master, Mr. Saito. The existence of the familiar wasn't just for bodyguard or distraction for the mages to cast their spells. They also can be an important factor if the mages aren't strong enough by themselves. It's simply adding more power or strength to deal with their opponent."

The answer he got from Louise caused Saito to be surprised as a whole new perspective opened for him, even though this is something he should know since he's very knowledgeable about things like anime, manga, and games. However, it seems he forgot about that because his mind is too focused on "his" Louise or canon Louise as he is a simp.

As they keep walking and Louise gives a tour or explains anything to Saito, they enter the school and see someone who coming to them. It's a tall and young beautiful woman with long red hair, brownish gold eyes, and large breasts.



Louise exclaimed with a happy smile when she noticed the woman was Kirche, one of her wives giving her a warm and big hug, but the sight of them made Saito's eyes widen in shock as he didn't expect it was Kirche von Zerbs; one of Saito's canon harem... or it's supposed to. He saw the two girls giving each other a smooch on the lips, which caused him to blush in awkwardness since Saito didn't expect that.

'W-What?! Kirche calls Louise a darling...? And they're kissed? Does that mean... they're in a relationship? Is this world really an AU then...?'

After giving a warm and loving kiss, both Louise and Kirche stop what they did. Both smiled happily to each other before Kirche noticed there was someone beside Louise with an "Oh?" while her eyes looked at Saito carefully and thoroughly.

"Louise-darling, who is he? Someone you knew?"

That question got a giggle from Louise.

"You were at the Austri Courtyard and performing the Familiar Summoning Ritual Exam too, Kirche, so you should know who he is."

"You do know that I won't pay attention to something boring and uninteresting, right?"

Those honest words of hers cause Saito to have a mental breakdown for a moment as if he's been punched through the gut and that gives Louise another giggle since she finds it funny. He can't believe the Kirche he knew from the anime or light novel is so different here.

'D-Damnit...! To think she's so different like this! I mean, I won't complain about having her as one of my harem but... what she said is brutal!'

That's right. Saito right now has a hypocritical mindset of wanting a harem when seeing Kirche despite always claiming his heart and soul are solely devoted to Louise. Then, continuing what she said, Kirche gave another of her opinion regarding Saito.

"I mean, he looks like the bland and no-good protagonist of a harem, Louise-darling. We have already seen so many of those and most of them are garbage quality too. Sometimes I wonder how garbage like them got manga or even anime adaptation."

That gave Saito another gut punch and made Louise giggle even more, trying to hold her laugh and politely responding to Kirche.

"Still, that was rude, Kirche. He is the familiar I have summoned and his name is Hiraga Saito. And Mr. Saito, this girl here is Kirche."

Hearing what her wife said, Kirche crossed her arms and reluctantly put a smile out of politeness to Saito as she introduced herself to him.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Saito. I'm Kirche Augusta Frederica von Anhalt Zerbst and one of Louise-darling's wives."


I usually don't wanna do this, but life has not let me to choose.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25 ⏰

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