Birth of a guardian (1)/Chapter 1

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With a flick of a heartbeat, a being came forth. It was similar to a human woman, but her appearance made it obvious that she wasn't fully human, as she was a robot with short white hair and a dress barely covering her knees. She resembled the way humans would look when the parts were all set completely on her; there was no difference now.

The woman looked like a human being; if one looked at her, there wouldn't be anything that would make someone think that she wasn't human. The robot looked around, tilting her head; her movements were smooth, and her joints were behaving the way one would expect joints to work, making a step in the right direction but with no sound coming from her movement.

Under the robot, there was a beauty like no other. The eyes of the robot were sparkling from the mesmerizing beauty that came from the small, oh, so small balls of light. There were balls of light beneath her, all sparkling and illuminating their light in the empty darkness they were all in. Her face couldn't help but make a smile seeing that beauty.

"Who made that?" she wondered to herself. She was just born, but she wasn't aware of why she was born or who even made her. She wasn't questioning this weird thing that she was unaware of, as it was part of her to not question it. The robot was aware of some things but unaware of others with powers that would seem abnormal.

Multiple screens appeared in the void of nothing. These screens were all transparent in a blue color. They were all filled with countless pieces of information, all describing different things that were below her. The robot glanced over the screens but stopped at one that described her, but the way it described her wasn't the way one would describe a machine.

"How weird?" She touched her chin and read the information on the screen carefully. She didn't want to miss a thing from the screen, as it would be a bothersome thing to fix afterwards if she missed something from this information pile of hers.

[Name: The System/System

Creation Date: Unknown

Gender: Designed to be female

Short description: It is not possible to create

Biography: It is not possible to create

Role: The designer of the universe (1)

Authority: Access granted for c controls]

System. That was her name: The System. It was a particular name, but from the access it spoke of, she could slowly grasp what that access meant. It was obvious to her that she wasn't made just for fun; everything has a purpose, even if the purpose is that it is made for no purpose. There is always an underlying idea and logic behind things. She opened the screens. There were many screens. She looked at them all; she looked at each and every screen at the same time.

Her perception of things was fast; her body seemed to be made of metal similar to steel. It wasn't steel, however, as she was too flexible for that, but what else could it be? It was something not known as metal like any other. She shook her head, as she had enough of it; she had a job to do. The designer of the universe was an intriguing role to have. A power allowing one to design the universe to one's liking. She touched one of the many screens, including the smaller ones that appeared. These smaller ones were around the length of her head.

A hologram drawing of the universe was shown to her. There was all the information one could have about the universe. From the years it lived through to their size or a detailed number of the planets and stars the universe has and how many lives there are on each and every planet.

It didn't feel as overwhelming as she thought it would be. She had many thoughts and doubts at the moment, and she expected that this may overwhelm her, but seeing the ease with which she understood things and the way all the information she could read and comprehend felt like an advantage she had. Maybe it was because she had the role to design the universes and such; she was created to not get overwhelmed.

She had many questions about everything that was going on, but this curiosity wasn't only because she had just been created. She was inherently curious about everything; her curiosity could be said to be never-ending, even if she knows a lot as her knowledge is already vast; experiencing them is something else than knowing them. One can know many things, but when one doesn't feel these things, it won't give them a clear idea about the thing. She was created, and she knew everything she had to know everything there is to know if she wanted to design the many universes that she had to manage and would create.

She touched the screens that showed the many universes, zooming at parts of these universes where she saw some strange behavior. She started to change parts of these universes, but only the bad parts, as they could cause trouble in the universe and she didn't have much desire to make the present of the future something that makes trouble in its future.

She hummed as she changed the universes that currently existed. The number of universes wasn't a lot, being only in the thousands and nothing more. Clearing the bad parts of these universes was an easy task, with the numbers being only in the thousands. It was something she could change with a flick of her finger, but she wanted to take her time. She didn't want to do her job in a quick manner.

She would be in this place for a long time, most likely forever, and doing her job quickly wouldn't be the best thing if she wished to have to do something. The System didn't have a sense of time here. This place didn't have time. She could still move in this place even with its lack of time, where no movement should happen under normal circumstances.

The silence in the void she was in or the fact that she was all alone didn't bother her. She had a thought and was even able to feel emotions, but there wasn't much need for it; however, she knew better than anyone that everything has a reason behind its existence, even the most illogical things, and even if she didn't know the reason behind her own, she could simply create one for herself.

When the bad parts of these universes were all gone, she made the screens disappear, as there was no need for them anymore. She made a different type of screen appear; instead of showing information on things, it was rather blank. She moved it backwards to make the surface look up. She moved her hands, expanding them and making a hologram appear, there being only a dot at first. The dot was the simplest of the things; it was one of the foundations of what things would be built of, with this foundation being called dimensions.

That would be called the zero dimension, which is represented by the dot. The dot was unable to move or do anything because it was just a dot, lacking any sort of axis that would allow it to move in a certain direction. A thing that couldn't move in any way or affect anything. She made another dot appear a bit away from the first one, and she connected the two dots, which turned it into a string. The string had a beginning and end, and now movements could happen there, going forward and backward only.

For the zero dimension, the string would be extremely complex; if the dot represented a zero-dimensional object, the string would represent the first dimension because it now had an axis, allowing it to move forward and backward while also allowing it to measure things in one direction. That was not complex enough, however, and as such, she added additional strings; the strings took the shape of a flat surface. She then added more flat surfaces, creating a full-fledged universe.

While there was a lack of time in it that wasn't needed immediately, she would add time later to it. Planets and stars were created and put into the universe; there were countless other things that she had put in it. She even decides how much the universe will expand every year. The universe she made was a small one for now,being only millions of light years large, but she wanted to start small and not create massive things at once. Everything had its moment; even if she could create all kinds of universes in an instant, she wanted to start small at first, as going calmly with it would fit the designer more.

The entire universe was then compressed into the form of a ball. It was extremely hot—the hottest thing that a universe could have. All the matter was in it in this small ball of light that couldn't move in anyway. She put the ball on the surface she was on and watched as it sank through the surface, being beside the many other balls. What she had created was a universe, but that universe was different from the universe it now is.

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