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It was lonely in the void, and even if the creators appeared or some of their guards appeared, they would all go away in the end. The system on which System herself was working was a new one. That one was made in relation to what she gave Aiden to save the first-ever story. It wasn't a unique thing, as what she was creating already existed in the universes that were built upon magic; however, it was a norm by now in the universes where foundations were mixed together that individuals would travel across worlds. She wished to reward such individuals, so she created a new form of system that is meant to interact with all the universes.

It was a system for granting things called titles. A title was achievable for anyone: that system would activate only when leaving their world to go to the world of other universes. While each universe was apart from one another, seeing how Jack and Aiden would appear in other universes, she decided to have the universes be connected to one another as such so the beings from other universes could travel from their world to another.

It was just like the title system. The title she had given Aiden was "The Protagonist." It was essentially constant interference to allow Aiden to have a much higher chance of surviving. Even that title didn't help, however, as even though the title was to pull the energy of the universe they are in and all their forces to protect him, Jack defied all the odds that stood against him and still stood on equal foot when fighting Aiden. The title meant to protect Aiden often became useless when Aiden came face-to-face with Jack, which is why he would come up with different ways to win against Jack. These ways would put a smile on the System's face for him being creative when fighting against Jack, as he would create all kinds of plans just to win. She wasn't aware of the future from these two, as she was looking into the future while she could see all outcomes when it came to these two. The outcome, more specifically, was that when Jack was in the picture, he would make the future entirely gone, causing there to be no future at all when she tried to look into it.

Knowing the future also made things less interesting. One can know it all, but when one knows everything, it gives someone a feeling of emptiness. She had stopped watching over Jack or Aiden. It should be in mortal years already since the last time she watched either of the two. Aiden had lost all his charm of a man bright wanting to be good, now only driven by revenge to murder Jack, who indulged himself in all sorts of lustful desires with him having been called the manifestation of sin itself.

A wave was in the void. She opened a screen and saw a dispute between Aiden and Jack. That dispute made a war happen. It wasn't anything major; it was the third war between them, with Jack having lost the previous wars. Major in the realm of mortals but nothing but small disputes between ants for the creators, some cared for the mortals as their wars were devastating always, with the previous war having caused countless worlds to be destroyed from different sections all together.

She closed the screen, and her interest was gone. She was longing for something more, as her role as a guardian was even gone. She was now only a system, one meant to do all the work in the mortal realm, from a designer to a guardian. She was now only a system. The one and only system. Mortals had meanings, as did she, but now that her roles were done, she had to come up with a meaning and logic for herself once more. There was no 1 or 0, no logic or truth to define her. She, like all the creators, were things that weren't in a form of duality. They die, but never live. They exist but are not disappearing into non-existence; they are nothing but behave like they are something.

Not even cause and effect were a thing for them; there were causes but no effect, as none of them existed in the upper void. Existing on a scope where all of these things are just irrelevant, while there were ways for one to grow strong, it wasn't able to be done in the way that mortals would. No amount of training could make one stronger than a creator, whether mortal or a guard made by them.

Ignorance is bliss, and for everyone existing above the mortal layer, being ignorant is better than knowing all the things that happen. She closed her eyes, taking a simple rest from all the duties one has to do. She closed her eyes in the very void, embracing nothingness itself. With the embrace of nothingness, she slept in the end. Time was passing in the mortal realm. A lot of time passed with no one watching over the mortal realm. It was chaotic, but only a bit more. Chaos in the world was normal as the connection between the universe made a bit more.

Time passed with it, the time passing in the mortal realm and the System being undisturbed. It was a pleasant sleep for the first time ever that she slept.

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