Depraved Feelings (2)

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The System was watching Jack from afar. There was a fundamental difference between watching from afar and being close; those two things would give off a different set of feelings for one as they perceived it differently too. She knew a lot about Jack—how he was more evil than good and would commit acts of evil to prove things—but she would also know the other side of his story.

It wasn't a side of misunderstandings, but one that wanted other things to experience. His decision to be chaotic and so neutral in his 10th life was something he did go through but also failed with how often he only did evil.

She followed Jack on his adventure in this world. There was nothing noteworthy; however, it didn't bother her in the slightest that nothing happened; she was always close to Jack. Often right beside him, she grinned to herself, as he couldn't notice her. Their eyes met one another coincidentally, making her heart always beat faster than it would normally. It continued that way, with the System ever-growing curiosity about Jack becoming so large that she would follow him to his death just so she could see his death with her very eyes as it was happening.

There was one time where Jack was close to death; it was in a fight against a powerful opponent. There were countless beings that were powerful, with all of them being in this category of beings who had achieved a form of freedom. No matter the danger or how much power the opponent had, Jack would defeat every one of them. As the power of corruption would flow through him, it wasn't a dense amount, which is how she could come so close to him without him knowing.

There was then an unexpected turn of events. Jack found a lover; it wasn't his first lover; he had previous people that could be called actual lovers. Seeing that the System felt weird was jealousy, and feeling that something snapped was the thinking of the System. She felt worried about these feelings that she had towards Jack; it seemed they went long past curiosity and instead were developing into something greater.

She left the side of Jack as the realization hit her. "I need to distance myself... going to sleep isn't the only solution." She could free herself more, of course, but that wasn't a permanent solution. Emotions were complicated, and while she could be in a permanent state of freedom, it would make the work harder for her, and freedom isn't the solution to everything to begin with.

She went back to the upper void. She would, however, see a kitsune awaiting her; she wore a black kimono with a katana on her waist. She had messy white hair with dark circles around her eyes and a pale face. An unhinged smile that would give mortals fear in their hearts.

"System I came to you because I noticed the interesting way you've been acting" she grinned upon walking to the System. "Especially with how you acted upon realizing your feelings towards that mortal man" her sandals were making loud noises in the void, the only noise the void had ever had since it had been there.

"It seems you are quite strong if I wasn't able to notice you" She said while being on guard on that Kitsune. She didn't know who that Kitsune was or which creator made her.

"Oh, no, I'm not strong, but you were simply careless," she said, grabbing the chin of System. Her eyes were gray with pitch-black pupils like those of a snake. There was this sense of being prey right now. The System was sure she could overpower her as her understanding was better, but the way she talked and behaved was as if she was confident of being able to fight her, which she wasn't used to except from creators.

"I came to you because I saw how similar we actually are." She let go of the System chin. The two were about the same height, so they were able to speak eye-to-eye.

"Similar?" The System let out a laugh hearing that, as that was the first time she heard someone say that. "Well, then Kitsune, tell me how similar we are." The action of the System changed; she acted more confident and had a hint of arrogance in her voice.

"We are similar in our love for a man." The nine tails of hers were moving vividly and excitedly as she said that. "You love that mortal even more than your creation; don't think it went unnoticed, as some are aware of it by now." System started to realize how careless she was, but she wasn't going to back down from it just because of such simple things.

"I don't see how such things should be a problem," System said calmly as she approached the Kitsune. "I do not care much if the creators know about it already, as I can't even leave this void. So me getting interested in a mortal is normal by then, as I do enjoy the presence of others, but I'm unable to leave this void, and that mortal being the only one that is interesting, I became attached to him."

"I didn't come to stop you; instead, I came to you to tell you how to make him yours."

That statement made her confused by the words of the Kitsune. Helping her? Why would she even help her? The System saw no reason to do such a thing, especially when she would gain nothing from it. She was aware that in the mortal world there were entities who were simply good-willed, but the smell of blood that was on her made it clear that she was far from a good entity.

"I also know this feeling of love as the one I'm working under. I also started to love him too much." She put her arms around the System and whispered in her ear" So much that I decided to seduce him" The System blushed at that and pushed the Kitsune away from her. Hearing that she, who is from the upper void, was doing something like that made the System feel embarrassed, as it was something that she didn't expect.

"How cute" The Kitsune thought to herself, enjoying how she was able to just tease her that way. They were all from the upper void, where such acts were rarely done. It was a boring place, which is why the mortal world was entertainment, even when their freedom was greater than the freedom they could ever achieve.

"You want him, so just take him. There is no reason you can't take him, but if you want it more romantic," she tilted her head. "Then you can go and make him crave for you; it should be easier as he is just a mortal, and while I failed to do it yet against my boss, you who know it all as you made it all should be able to do it, shouldn't you?"

She saw the face of the System; it was one that was thinking through the suggestion. Kitsune was enjoying all of it. She had watched the System multiple times and saw how much she loved that mortal man. To stop these feelings, she thought of a simple solution like sleeping for an excessive amount of time, but such things do not help forever; one either lets them die or embraces them.

With how similar the sense of love the two had was, even if it was twisted and obsessive, it was more real love than most other forms of love. The eyes of System sparked, and a smile came on her face. The Kitsune felt pure euphoria as the System had a smile like no other, grinning like a fool, as her words seemed to have hit her.

"Well, I think we can be friends if you want to, as maybe I could also help you," she said, stretching her hand out to the Kitsune. The System liked the Kitsune; sure, she knew that she let herself be influenced by her words, but if others already knew it, why shouldn't she pursue it? A little bit of excitement in her boring life wouldn't hurt...would it?

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