The Duty of a Guardian

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A Guardian had many duties from what the System heard. She hadn't met with another guardian; she wasn't sure if there were others. She just believed in the words of the creator of life, even if the creator of life was acting weird. She had been talking with the creator of life often, but the way she was acting was as if she were hiding something; she couldn't understand why it was like that, but the System didn't assume anything for now.

She had, however, a new role: to be a Guardian. As she had designed the universe long ago, she became what was called the "Guardian of the Stories." She was going to ask the creator of life what that means and what stories really meant there, as she never created any. All she created were countless universes, all with different aspects.

She felt like something had entered the void. She turned around and saw the creator of life. She wore a dress that was made out of stars and galaxies, all shining brightly in different colors. She had flawless skin, no wrinkles or anything. She walked towards the system with a smile on her face.

"Nice to see you again, System," she said with a soothing voice. From what she saw of the creator of life, she was a nice being; she had trust in her even if her personality was bad. The way she trusted the creator of life was the same way a child would trust their mother. The creator of life hugged the system, and she stroked the soft hair of the system.

The two then sat on the ground, the creator of life humming as she tied the hair of the system.

"Creator of l-"

"Call me Lilith just," she said, cutting the System off mid-sentence.

"Ok, Lilith," she said, blushing. She felt embarrassed calling her by a mortal name. She calmed her embarrassment and spoke once more.

"I wanted to ask you: why did my role change to Guardian of the Stories? I never created a story." She couldn't see the expression Lilith used, but by the way her hand became slower and her humming stopped, she was sure that she was thinking it through.

"The guardian of stories I see, well, the story is the one about the man you once talked about, the one where the codes were all messed up" she said as she finished doing the hair of the System having made a beautiful ponytail. She would make the clothes of the System disappear.

"But why would it be about him?" She said, not minding that her clothes were gone... The creator of life was making multiple types of clothes appear, all of them made only for the System. "That man is unique, but not in a good way," she said, saying that the System thought she could hear Lilith chuckling; she wasn't sure, however, if she heard it right.

"He is someone who is dangerous, as he wasn't created by any creator." The System turned around, and she looked at Lilith, her eyes wide open. The clothes that Lilith was putting on fell to the ground. Lilith saw the surprise in her eyes, but what she saw more was pure curiosity. It was even cute, to say the least, but that wasn't the important thing; rather, it was the reaction that she gave. It was a reaction that was normal, as no one would even believe it to begin with.

"It was not created by a creator, but how could there be even anything just as strong as a creator?" The System asked, as she was curious about it but also got a chill on her spine, as the idea of something having the ability to create something on the level of a creator is nothing more than pure madness for something like that to be possible.

"Mhm, good question. The creator of creators has been silent on that matter; it seems even she has trouble thinking about who it could be." She made the clothes move from the ground and put them on top of the System. The clothes she picked were a new pair of dresses; they were a dark shade of blue combined with a lighter blue but matching the darker color. A pin was now in her ponytail; something that just stayed together was now being held together by a golden needle, holding that beautiful silk-like hair together. She even wore heels that were more black.

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