Tricks of seduction (2)

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The air between the two had gotten better; it wasn't stiff anymore, and neither of the two were on guard and trying their best; it is now more like that Jack and the System both let their guards down more or less. Their attacks and defense didn't drop, and Jack had to make sure that the words and actions of the System didn't trap him, while the System had to resist giving in to Jack's attempts to seduce her. Every step one of them took, the other took multiples as a countermeasure. From a stiff relationship to a more relaxed one, the two did enjoy their daily lives a bit more.

"Hey Jack," System called out to Jack, who was drinking a bottle of wine. He looked at her, asking, "What do you need?" He put the bottle of whiskey down, but she then grabbed the wrists of Jack and kissed him, forcing his mouth open as their tongues intertwined together. She then stopped the kiss as she licked her lips and grinned. "Your whiskey tastes better than usual." She winked and whistled as she then walked out of the place they currently lived in. They have been traveling across worlds, even entire universes, but of course, for Jack and the many others, they couldn't leave the universe as they would be inside the void, which is troublesome to travel in.

The Void was the absence of things, which is why it consumed things. The universes were strong enough that, thanks to the System and them being her domain, she wouldn't be affected by the void, while Jack was a sort of miracle as he could survive outside the void. In reality, the void was no trouble for either of them, but when one doesn't utilize freedom in some way, as in the absence of everything, any sort of effect is impossible. For the System it wasn't thanks to the freedom she has, but Jack wasn't like that; he wasn't that free, and even when he survived out of the void, didn't die permanently, and managed to move, he still reincarnated in the end.

A body that continuously regenerates and denies the void that consumes one everything that makes one be something. When the void consumes something it consumes it all be it their laws and rules or even the concepts that a universe holds of everything it holds. That wasn't the power of the creator of corruption; she knew that to perform such a miracle it would require an extreme amount of freedom. Which is why such a thing can only come from him alone.

Regenerating in a world against a piece of god from nothing when existence and non-existence of his was erased even the idea of his. Then doing this act in the void which is a death sentence for any other mortal she could only feel fascinated by Jack and this rule breaking existence of his as there was no other entity that was like him in the mortal realm.

Which is why the two traveled by the space that connected all of them together or other forms of connections through the universes. The System enjoyed how Jack took care of her when they traveled and how surprised he would be if she used her powers. As they traveled through this connected space, a sort of hyperspace meant only for the connection between universes that held them away from one another, Jack would show different things while in between this hyperspace, as they could see all kinds of different universes at once.

The universes were all unique to one another. There was no true world. The world of one was as real as the other, but the other worlds looked as false as an illusion. All built upon the truth of another truth to make this work, and there was Jack trying to entertain her, who made it all. If compared to mortals, Jack is nothing but a kid for her—a small kid trying to make it interesting.

Jack let out an annoyed grunting sound as he got caught so easily. "I've been letting my guards down too often." Jack noticed it with simple acts like putting a blush on his face. The times he won against the System were few, but he wouldn't give up because of such inconvenience. He wouldn't back down from an opponent, especially one that was so strong that he couldn't help but want to win. The sudden kiss she gave that Jack didn't avoid showed how he was letting his guard down, and the System didn't miss that opportunity.

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