Chapter Four: A Morning Ride

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The morning sun cast a golden hue across the sprawling estate as Cossette rode alongside  Alphonse and  Genevieve. The rhythmic sound of hooves against the ground filled the air, and the gentle breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers from the garden. It was a perfect morning for a ride, yet Cossette's thoughts were clouded with unease.
"I cannot believe how splendid last night's ball was," Genevieve gushed, her eyes sparkling with remnants of the previous evening's excitement. "I danced with so many delightful gentlemen, but none can compare to Anthony Bridgerton. Oh, how I long to dance with him again!"
Cossette suppressed a sigh, her suspicions about Anthony Bridgerton growing deeper with each passing day. "You shouldn't place all your hopes on one man, Genevieve," she cautioned. "There are other suitors who are just as worthy of your attention."
the blond's laughter tinkled through the air. "You simply don't understand, Cossette. Anthony is different. He's a true gentleman, and I can sense the sincerity in his eyes whenever he looks at me."
Cossette remained silent, her gaze fixed on the horizon. She had observed Anthony Bridgerton closely during the ball, and something about his charming demeanor set her on edge. There was an air of calculated charm about him that did not sit well with her, and she could not shake the feeling that there was more to him than met the eye.
"i believe it is time we return sisters", Alphonse annouced wanting to stop the two from a future fight.
"you two go on I'll ride a little more", Cossette responded wanting some time for herself and to think.
"Are you sure maybe we should stay together we are new here surely you'll need a chaperone", Genevieve enquired earning a sight from the youngest.
"i believe there is nothing to worry about Cossette is more than capable of taking care of herself, come now Genevieve you must get back callers would have already gotten home", Thier brother said Wich earned him a grateful look from the brunette.
"oh I completely forget we must head back now", Genevieve panicked riding off.
"make sure to come back safe", Alphonse turned one last time to Cossette before following Genevieve.
"merci Alphonse", Cossette smiled at her brother as she too rode in the other direction breathing in the fresh air of the park.

Cossette rode her horse through the dense woods, the sound of hooves echoing against the trees. As she emerged from the shadowed forest, she came to a sudden stop in front of a vast, breathtaking valley. The beauty of the scene momentarily captivated her, until she heard distant voices carried by the wind. Curiosity piqued, she urged her horse forward, and as she drew closer, the sound of a woman's moaning became unmistakable. Peering through a thicket, her eyes widened in shock as she beheld none other than Anthony Bridgerton, entwined with his mistress in a scandalous embrace.
"oh dear God", she exclaimed covering her mouth.
Anger and disappointment surged within her, her thoughts churning with a mixture of disbelief and indignation. She reined in her emotions, however, and quietly retreated, determined to keep the shocking encounter to herself, knowing that revealing such a scandal would only bring ruin to those involved, despite the tumult of emotions raging within her.
She had heard of Anthony Bridgerton and his reputation but not to this level of filthiness, did he not care for the reputation of the woman or was he too far a rake to consider other's emotions and reputation. Oh her poor sister , she thought, how would she handle the news ? ofcours Genevieve's love for Anthony was just a faze and knowing her sister she'll grow out of it  , but if they ended up courting she sure knew it'll lead to no good.

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