Chapter Thirteen: stop that duel

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Cossette stood frozen, her hand pressed to her mouth, as the scene before her unfolded like a dreadful play. The shock of stumbling upon such an intimate moment between Daphne Bridgerton and the Duke of Hastings had rendered her speechless. Her heart pounded against her chest, each beat echoing the scandal that now seemed inevitable. She had attended many balls, witnessed the flirtations and coy glances, but this... this was a ruinous affair.
Anthony Bridgerton's reaction was a tempest of rage and protectiveness. He sprinted towards his sister and the duke, his face contorted with anger. With a swift movement, he separated them, his fist connecting with the duke's jaw in a display of brotherly fury. The sound of flesh striking flesh resonated through the quiet of the garden, a stark contrast to the lilting music that spilled from the ballroom.
Daphne's tears began to flow, her sobs cutting through the tension. Cossette, though still in shock, found her feet moving of their own accord, rushing to Daphne's side to offer solace. She placed an arm around the weeping girl, her own emotions a tangled web of empathy and concern.
"You must marry her," Anthony demanded, his voice thunderous in the still night.
The duke, however, wiped his bleeding lip and straightened his jacket, defiance etched into his features. "I shall not be forced into matrimony," he declared, his voice steady despite the altercation.
"then I must demand satisfaction", Anthony's voice got out bitter and lower .
The argument escalated, Anthony insistent, the duke unyielding, until the bitter agreement to settle the matter at dawn with a duel.

Anthony turned to Cossette, his eyes imploring. "Tell no one of this," he beseeched. "The scandal would devastate my family."
Understanding the weight of his plea, Cossette nodded, "Your secret is safe with me, my lord. I understand the cost."
Anthony gabe a short nod as he rubbed his forehead ,the Duke of Hastings, kissing his sister,his best friend kissing his sister, has brought him a wave of shock and disbelief . The sight of the two people he cared about most engaging in such an intimate act felt like a betrayal, and the realization left him reeling. The world seemed to tilt on its axis, and a heavy weight settled in his chest as he struggled to comprehend the unexpected turn of events. His mind raced with a mixture of emotions-anger, confusion, and a profound sense of protectiveness for his sister. The bond of trust between him and his friend felt fractured, and Anthony found himself grappling with the harsh reality of the situation.
The sight of the Duke of Hastings, a man of high stature and reputation, locked in a passionate embrace with none other then Daphne bridgerton sent shockwaves through Cossette. The air crackled with tension, and a sense of unease settled over her. In that moment, Cossette felt a surge of empathy for Anthony, recognizing the pain and embarrassment that the situation must be causing him. She couldn't help but feel sorry for him, knowing that the scandal would undoubtedly bring turmoil and disruption to their social circle. As she observed the unfolding drama, a mix of sympathy and concern washed over her, leaving her with a lingering sense of sorrow for the complicated situation Anthony found himself in.
Cossette squeezed Daphne's shoulders as an act of comfort since she didn't know what to do at that moment to releave the tension, Daphne returned the act with a small sad smile as Anthony dragged her away while Simon walked in the opposite direction leaving the poor confused de Montmorency on her own in the gardens.
"there you are we've been looking for you , come papa wants us to leave" , called the voice of Genevieve.
"are you alright you seem like you've just seen a ghost", chuckled the blonde earned a slight chuckle from the youngest as they made Thier way back to the carriages.

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