Chapter sixteen: Unforeseen Invitations

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Cossette de Montmorency's laughter echoed through the woods as she navigated the familiar trails on her trusted steed, Étoile. Her maid, Nancy, rode a short distance behind, occasionally chiming in with her own giggles, while Bernard, Cossette's faithful hound, bounded alongside them. The crisp morning air was filled with the scent of dew and earth, a perfect backdrop for their light-hearted banter.
"This one is particularly amusing," Cossette remarked, holding up the latest edition of Lady Whistledown's Society Papers. "The Fetheringtons' latest soirée described as a 'dismal affair attended by all of society's most desperate'—oh, how merciless!"
"Indeed, Miss Cossette," Nancy replied, her voice carrying a note of amusement. "Lady Whistledown's wit knows no bounds."
Their laughter was suddenly interrupted by a familiar voice calling from a distance, "Miss de Montmorency!"
Twisting in her saddle, Cossette found herself locking eyes with none other than Anthony Bridgerton. A grin spread across her face as she spoke sarcasticly, "I would only assume you're stalking me, my Lord, for you always manage to find me at this time."
Anthony's laughter mingled with the morning chorus of birds as he caught up to the ladies, a playful spark in his eye. "I assure you, it is purely coincidental. But fate does seem to have a sense of humor where we are concerned."
With Anancy riding discreetly behind, the two engaged in a lively exchange, their horses keeping pace. Anthony's charm was effortless, yet Cossette matched him with her own sharp wit and grace.
"The reason for my fortunate timing," Anthony began, a more serious tone creeping into his voice, "is to extend an invitation to you and your family. My sister Daphne is to be wed, and we would be honored if the de Montmorencys attended."
Cossette's smile wavered, a hint of surprise flashing in her eyes. "That is quite the offer, my Lord. However, I fear it may be uncomfortable for both our families, given our... histories."
But Anthony was insistent, his gaze unwavering. "Let us cast aside old grievances for new beginnings. Please, I will accept no denial."
Before she could protest further, he bid her goodbye, leaving her with a sense of inevitability.

Upon returning home, Cossette recounted the encounter to her family over breakfast.
"mama, I have encountered the viscount on my morning ride with anancy, he had invited us to Daphne's wedding", Cossette spoke earning confused and socked faces from her family.
"are you sure sister? the viscount invited us by talking to you?", asked Alphonse quite suspicious.
"oh cut it Alphonse, he was probably heading to our house when he encountered me", she sassed back.
"mama are we to go,Iv Always wanted to see English weddings", Genevieve's excitement was palpable, her eyes alight with the prospect of such an illustrious event.
Neither of the duke or duchess spoke, not really liking the idea of going especially after the last events.
"I'm not sure dearest, I don't think it's...... reasonable", Catherine said.
"besides we have not received official invitation", she added earning a pout from Genevieve.
"my lady , these invitations had been sent from the dowager viscountess brigerton, invitations for miss brigerton's wedding", right after Catherine finished her words entered her maid leaving the duchess stunned.
"what where you saying my love", teased Alexander with a chuckle that vibrated the room.
all of the children joined Thier father laughing at the scene while Thier mother glared playfully at them.
"well it's settled then , we can't deny the invitation now do we , especially after the viscount had personally persisted on you Cossette", her father spoke knowingly leaving her confused.
"what are-", but she was cut off by Genevieve.
"mama we should head to the modiste we need new dress for the wedding ", she chimmed excitedly.

That evening, while the household buzzed with preparations for a grand ball, Cossette found herself at home with her brother Alphonse, discussing the upcoming riding competition.
"Alphonse, have you seen the list of participants for the upcoming riding competition? It looks like it's going to be quite the event.", Cossette enquired
"Yes, I have, sister. Some of the best riders in the region are taking part this year. It's going to be a tough competition.", Alphonse answered
"I heard that Alejandro and his horse, Midnight, are in great form. They've been winning every local competition."
"That's true. Alejandro is an exceptional rider, and Midnight is a remarkable horse. They'll definitely be the ones to beat."acknowledged Alphonse
"What about Thomas and his horse, Storm? They've been training extensively, and I've heard they've improved a lot.", asked yet again Cossette
"Thomas is dedicated, and Storm is a strong contender. They have a good chance of making it to the top as well.", spoke Alphonse
"Do you think anyone else could surprise us and take the lead?", wondered the female
"It's hard to say, but I wouldn't count out Adrian and her horse, Whisper. They've been steadily improving, and they might just come out on top.", poundered the boy
The conversation flowed effortlessly until the front doors burst open, and Genevieve appeared in the foyer looking troubled, an unusual shadow over her usually radiant demeanor.
Their parents followed, a stark contrast in their expressions, brimming with excitement. "The most wondrous news!" their father exclaimed. "The prince of Prussia has proposed to Genevieve!"
The room fell into a stunned silence, broken only by the crackling of the fireplace. Cossette's gaze met Genevieve's, full of unspoken questions and a swirl of conflicting emotions. Alphonse, catching the weight of the moment, offered a supportive smile to his sister.
Catherine, approached Genevieve, her eyes gleaming with maternal pride. "My darling Genevieve, this is truly splendid news! The prince proposed? How utterly enchanting!you are to be a princess".
Genevieve's response was a conflicted expression, a mixture of surprise and uncertainty. She glanced at Cossette, her silent plea for understanding evident. Catherine, however, seemed blissfully unaware of the complexities lurking beneath the surface.
"Indeed, my lady," the maid interjected with a slight bow as she abd the duchess started discussing the news.
Cossette, sensing her sister's internal struggle, stepped forward. "Genevieve, this is... remarkable news. Congratulations." Her words held a genuine tone, although beneath the surface, a storm of emotions swirled.
Genevieve managed a small smile, her eyes betraying a hint of turmoil. "Thank you, Cossette. It's just... unexpected."
As the news settled, the family dynamic shifted, a subtle tension weaving its way into the room. Alphonse, ever the peacemaker, tried to lighten the mood. "Well, it seems we have much to celebrate. A wedding invitation from the Bridgertons and a royal engagement in our own family!"
The duke, Alexander, clapped his son on the back, adding, "Indeed, a toast is in order! To new beginnings and joyous celebrations!"
Yet, in the midst of the cheer, Cossette couldn't shake the feeling of impending change. The delicate dance of deception continued, and as her family reveled in the news, she found herself contemplating the unknown path ahead.
The evening wore on, the sounds of joyful preparations for the upcoming ball echoing through the estate. Cossette, with a heavy heart, excused herself to the tranquility of the garden, seeking solace in the moonlit shadows.



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