chapter 5: l'opéra et ses secrets

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Cossette hadn't seen a good night of sleep , for her head worked wonders thinking and overthinking all night long , not only about her conversation with her mother but also about a certain viscount whom haunted her thoughts from the very first day they met .
"bonjour mademoiselle, avez vous bien dormi ?", entered an energetic Anancy waking up the already awaked de Montmorency. (good morning my lady , did you sleep well?)
Upon siting up in her four poster bed , Cossette growned as her hair fell messily on her face Wich made Nancy gasp.
"oh mon dieu, regardez vous, vous avez l'air horrible", Anancy exclaimed looked at her lady concerned.(oh my goodness look at you, you look awful).
Instead of answering her Cossette was more amused by her ladymaid's reaction she bursted out laughing forgetting for a split second about her worries.
"ah anancy , t'es trop drôle tu sais ? allez-y aide moi à se préparer maman vas me tué s'elle me voi dans cette affreux désordre ", chuckled the brunette hoping out of her bed with energy Wich only confused the poor anancy .

"Bonjour ", Cossette called as she set foot on the dining room walking over her father and kissing his cheek as she did the same with her mother who was startled by her daughter's doing.
"t'es sûre que tout vas bien ? aucun fièvre ? peut-être un froid ?", she asked sounding concerned about the youngest who only shrugged.(are you sure you're alright? no fever? a cold maybe?)
"je suis plus mieux que je ne l'ai jamais été merci", Cossette assured as her father's face was graced by an amused smirk.(I am better then I ever been)
"oh Lesse la Catherine, ce n'est pas toujours qu'on vois une heureuse Cossette ", teased Alexandre earning a giggle from Genevieve and a slight glare from Cossette.(let her be Catherine it's not like every we see a happy Cossette)
"papa!", growned the brunette Wich made her siblings and parents burst out laughing.
It was these moments she adored most with her family, how they all acted freely and sinister with each other, how they joked around and playfully acted with each other, out if they eyes of the ton they were this loving family who cared about each other and lived thier life to the fullest. Of course they acted the same Infront of the watchful eyes of the ton but more on standards and protocol then at home.
Cossette was conversing with Alphonse while her parents and eldest sister were talking about potential suitors and activities for the season, after yesterday's talked Cossette learned to respect her mother and her sister's decisions and wishes not only about marriage but life at perticular understanding her position in this society to the fullest.
"oh je vous avais dit que nous allions à l'opéra cette après midi? ne lai-je pas fait? et bien , vous savez maintenant ", Catherine anouced Looking at thier shocked and confused faces before smiling satisfactly to herself.(oh did I tell you we are heading to the opera this evening? did I not? well then now you know)

Cossette was sat at her vanity while Anancy was Styling her hair , she was excited to say the least, she never been to an opera before, more because she was young back then , it seemed unreal she'll finely attend .
Looking at herself in the mirror she smiled content of her apparence, anancy outdid herself again.
"Merce anancy", she smiled at her friend who curtsied before leaving her .
The de Montmorency made thier way to the opera in one of Thier finest carriages, making a scene was definitely thier thing, her mother always told her that arriving late and leaving early would give her more attention and would make man more eager to win the challenge and get something they have to battle for , of course she was doing this especially for herself and Genevieve at the moment one thing about Catherine was she liked attention, stealing the lights and being the center of the talk something Cossette didn't get from her but at least Genevieve did .
Linking her hand with her brother's Cossette marched besides Alphonse as they entered the grand building, it was magnificent to say the least , the chandelier was the most beautiful she had ever seen and don't get her started on the  stage .
"N'oublie pas ton sourire ma jolie", Cossette heard her mother reminding her sister , but she paid no attention to the rest of Thier conversation as she took in the beauty of the scene.
"c'est qui cette dame aux cheveux afreux?", Cossette asked looking at a black skinned lady with what looks like a bird's nest for hair.(who is that lady with the hideous hair)
"c'est la reine Charlotte, Cossette", Alphonse tried to surpress his laugh but couldn't. (that is queen Charlotte, Cossette).
Relising her mistake Cossette cursed herself and slaped Alphonse's hand for not warning her before she spat out her choice of words and to her luck it seems like her mother abd father were heading her way, oh how she wished no one heard her for it will be a Desaster if someone was to.

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