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"Mate what are those marks on your body..?" I bothered to ask. I know that I should have gotten my perfume and leave him alone but my instinct made me stay. Charles turned white. He gave up trying to cover his body up and let me examine it with my eyes.

He had bruises all around his torso and back. His gaze fell on the floor. "What happened Charles? Who did this to you..?" I asked since I got no reply from him earlier.

He didn't even bother to look at him "I was just messing around with Pierre during training.." he managed to say, with the weak tone from earlier.

This can't be true. Pierre wouldn't do such a thing even playfully. Because that's not a game. Or a joke at least. "Stop lying.." I said with a cold tone.

"I am not lying.." he replied. "I have known you since we were kids. I know that you are a bad liar. So now can you please tell me what happened.." I said with a strict tone. I crossed my arms against my chest and waited for an answer from him, as if I was a parent.

"The truth is that when I tried to go to the cars garage I was alone. And no bodyguard or cop was around. Two or three angry fans, I was too shocked to even count, came up to me and they tried to beat me up but thankfully Pierre found me, five minutes after they started. I am good mate though. Thanks for caring.." he managed to say.

"Tried what do you mean tried? I can only see that they succeeded, judging from what I saw at least.." I said. My heart was beating fast. "It's nothing serious man, don't worry.." he replied.

"Please stop acting like a fearless soldier.."I said and touched one of the visible bruises close to his ribs. He hissed in pain. Understandable. "Charles I am afraid that we can't go out tonight. Instead, we should find a way to treat your bruises.." I said and walked to my bed.

Charles followed. "I'll be fine in two or three days Max.." he said but I didn't bother to listen to him. I searched for some kind of ointment that I have for such situations. I noticed that Charles sat on his bed. I stood up and stopped in front of him showing him the ointment. "Put some of this on your bruises, it will help them heal faster.." I said and left it on his nightstand.

Charles didn't move. I grabbed the ointment and sat beside him. "If you don't want to do it I can do it by myself. At least I can reach both sides of your body.." I said. I opened the tube and applied some of the ointment on his back. Charles hissed again and he couldn't really stay still. "I know that it hurts but I promise that you will feel better soon.." I said as my voice tone changed to a reassuring one.

Fuck this is intimate. I am touching his body. I should apologise for being so aggressive. Does he hate me now? Earth to Max, earth to Max, calm down he doesn't hate you he just doesn't like the feeling of the ointment on his bruises and his body in general, which is understandable. Pretty logical right. I hope so.

I had to switch to the front part of his body. I stood up and kneeled in front of him to have a better view. His eyes were glowing. I applied the ointment quickly and closed the tube. I went back to my bed awkwardly. What did I just do.

"Max..?" Charles asked after some minutes. He never changed his position after I was done. He was staring at the wall blankly.

"Yeah..?" this was the only thing that I managed to say. "Thanks for taking care of my wounds and I am really sorry for worrying you. Do you think that we can still get drinks at a calm place though? I heard that the hotel has a nice bar.." I heard him saying from the other side of the room.

"Are you sure that you want to go there Leclerc.." I asked him "Positive.." he replied. He has some serious issues. "Okay then but don't overwork yourself.If you feel like going back to the hotel room we'll leave immediately.." I said, once again sounding like a parent. He nodded and walked to his suitcase to find clothes I suppose.

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