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Still Charles' POV

Carlos knows? Well he can't know. It was supposed to be a secret. Not because we are drivers and we shouldn't like hookup with each other but because Max and I can't really express our feelings.

Expressing my feelings was always difficult for me as a kid. My dad would always help me with that. It took me a lot of time to get over the fact that he's gone. I stop expressing my feelings after his death. I kept everything to myself. It's not like people could understand me. And then I won the f2 championship. Just like that.

Psychologists say that bottling up your emotions isn't good. However, I only let them turn into rage and I try to use it wisely. It takes a lot of soul strength to be able to do such a thing. I would give up everything to spend some more moments with him.

I understand Max's part though. His dad was the total opposite of mine. He was always so strict and would treat Max as if he were a robot. That's what he said to me at least. I think that he just sees himself in his son somehow. But again he uses Max to do things he couldn't do when he was younger.

That's not right. I can't imagine my dad telling me to man up. I can't imagine him telling me that only girls cry. Max went through a lot as a kid. I can't believe that he opened up to me about his dad. He also told me that as a kid he grew up seeking attention and craving validation from others, because his dad was never satisfied enough.

I have to answer to Carlos but I have no idea what to say. If I tell him that he's wrong he's going to call me that Spanish word "Cabrón" and say that he knows what he saw. I mean he's not wrong. I'll just play it cool.

I have no idea what are you talking about

Señor Sainz 🇪🇸
We have been teammates for a while
I know you better than anyone
Tell me what's going on between you and Max
After all you know everything about me and Lando

First of all I know everything about you and Lando yes
But that's because you always talk about him
My Lando is so nice
My Lando is so sweet
Look what my Lando got me

Señor Sainz 🇪🇸
Well you are my best friend who else am I supposed to tell then?
Stop avoiding my question

Well there might be something going on
Is this a bad thing?

Señor Sainz 🇪🇸
No no I was just curious
I saw you two together and I was like , some weeks ago they wouldn't even speak to each other what happened to them?
Lando was concerned as well
About your mental health mainly

I am fine
And yeah it's a long story
Basically we hooked up one day
And then he thought that I went out with Charlotte without telling him but I actually went to an event with her and we broke up after.
And I found him at our hotel room cuddling with Daniel.
I got so mad
But we worked it out

Señor Sainz 🇪🇸
Does anybody else know?

Pierre and Yuki
But I don't know mate
I don't know what I want for my future
And Max doesn't seem to know either

Señor Sainz 🇪🇸
I was like that with Lando too
Give yourselves some time now during the winter break
You'll be able to think and realise what's best for you

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