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Still Max's POV

"Oh yeah? Does she happen to have pretty green eyes, dimples and a weird laugh.." Lando asked. I almost turned red. "Nah Maxie prefers brunettes, like me.." Daniel said and sent a flying kiss to me. "Ew Daniel, yes I prefer brunettes but not you Dan I am sorry.." I said with a sympathetic smile.

Daniel has my back. With his own kind of way. "Tough luck, the love is still there isn't it? You are always around each other.." Lando pointed out. "Lando just because you have Carlos, it doesn't mean that the rest of the paddock is gay as well.." Daniel said.

"Yes whatever fruitcake.." Lando replied sticking his tongue out to mock Daniel. Daniel ended up headlocking him and I just laughed. I looked around trying to spot Charles in the room but he wasn't where I left him, besides Pierre.

We will get going today. Splitting ways. I'll travel back to the Netherlands. I have to see my parents. I just hope that I'll see Charles just a little before we both leave. Just to make sure that he's going to be alright.

I was the first person to leave the villa. I had to go back to the hotel. I don't want to be the center of attention for Lando. He will just keep asking questions. I am not in the mood to talk to him. The idea of me and Charles is stuck on his brain and he won't stop asking questions until he proves himself right. I got a text from Charles.

Monaco man 🇲🇨
You left already?
When am I supposed to see you

I am leaving tomorrow
I will stay tonight though
We can spend some time together if you want to

Monaco man 🇲🇨
Can we?
I am starting my holidays officially tomorrow

Skiing sounds nice
I'll just visit my family
And then go back to Monaco
Sim racing and training

Monaco man 🇲🇨
We can see each other after my ski camp

I'd like that

I want to see him. Like right now. I don't want to waste any time. He won't come back to the hotel and that's for sure. He has his friends around. He will probably enjoy staying at the villa until noontime.

I chose to wear my swimming shorts and have a day off. Sauna sounds nice. And this hotel's spa is one of the best in the city. Nothing better than a relaxing day.

Charles POV

Lando is already attacking him. I don't think that Max is going to say anything. We talked about it. He seems uneasy though. I wish I could help him somehow but if I join them I will make things a lot worse.

"Charles, CHARLES, for the last time are you listening to what I am saying..?" Pierre asked and grabbed me by the shoulders. He started shaking me. "Pierre yes I am listening to all your nonsense you can continue speaking about how much your head hurts. Good luck explaining that your girlfriend.." I said and just sighed.

He almost turned red. "I thought that the French speaking in the grid support each other.." he said. "Oh so you are supportive? Talk to me about your teammate then.." I said and he fake punched my arm. "That was personal.." he replied.

"Whatever man.." I said and got up. I wanted to drink some water and get something to eat. I was alone in the kitchen until I felt a strange presence beside me. "So talk to me about your night with Max.." I heard a familiar British accent saying. Of course it's Lando you idiot.

"Why are you jealous..? You can be roommates next year mate.." I said. I caught him off guard. I wish that Max could have seen that. He would be so proud of me. "Not really but you two have been acting differently the past few months.." he said after some minutes.

"Well we are roommates Lando we are supposed to get along. We are not as lucky as you and Carlos. If you know what I mean.." I replied and again his jaw dropped. "Who would be the ideal roommate for you then..?" he asked.

"Maybe Pierre because we are close or Carlos if it could be a person from the same team.." I said. "You seem to have a lot of fun with Max.." he said. "And what made you say that..?" I asked. I am sorry Lando but gossips and sassiness have their limit.

"You just spend a lot of time together.." he replied. He seemed like he was slowly loosing his temper but I can't break down so easily. "Hm let me think about it. I spend a lot of time with my trainer, my team principal, my race engineers and the rest of the grid. That doesn't mean that there's something between us. Does it..? Go find something else to investigate little detective.." I said and walked back to Pierre.

He won't get to speak last. Luckily Pierre was still sitting at the same place that I left him. He was talking about headaches again. Oh man. My poor Pierre boo who can't stand a headache, knowing that it's his fault that his head is spinning.

Some of the other drivers decided to begin leaving the villa and so did I. I want to spend this day with Max. I don't know when I am supposed to see him again. I want to talk to my family about coming out. I don't know if it will be easy. I know that they are supportive but I don't know how long it will take them to accept that's it's their family member and not a random person.

But dad always said that we should do be proud of ourselves and do what makes us the happiest. And I can tell that Max has made me feel so happy the past few months. It's still extremely hard to do something right after a breakup.

I technically cheated though. I have no right to feel bad about it. But it was still a long term thing and it requires some time. I hope that Max is okay with that. We haven't really talked about it. We never got the chance to actually. I decided to text him before I started driving.

I am coming back to the hotel
See ya soon Maxie

I placed my phone down and began driving. The drive back to the hotel wasn't that long but in my mind it took ages. After I parked my car I grabbed my phone again and checked my messages. Max hasn't replied to my text. He never saw it either.

Weird. Usually he replies right away. I just made my way to the room quickly while searching for the key card in the pockets of my jacket. I entered the room quickly. He's not here. I called his name a few times but no one answered. His things are still here though.

He hasn't left. I took a closer look at his side of the hotel room and saw that he left his phone charging. Maybe he'll be back soon. I decided to put my headphones on and listen to some music so that I could calm down a little bit.

I didn't realise how fast time passed. I was zoned out staring at the wall when I finally noticed two hands waving in front of my face. I finally focused back on reality only to see a shirtless Max standing in front of me.

"Where were you at? And why are you so red and sweaty..?" was the first thing which came off my mouth. He just laughed a little at first. Fuck maybe I shouldn't have asked that. "I actually tried out the sauna. It's actually so good. You should give it a go at some point.." he said and wiped his forehead with a towel.

I was so focused on his body that I couldn't really make out what he was saying. He looks so hot like that and I bet that he thinks that I act like a horny teenager, eyeing him up and down like that. "I already know that you like what you see and that you'll get some kind of deprivation if you don't deal with it now.." Max said with a seductive tone.

The next chapter is definitely going to be spicy. Just letting you know. How is everyone? This chapter was a bit shorter than usual because I didn't have the time to write just as much. Leave a vote and a comment if you liked it tho. See you on the next one 💗

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