sibling bonds

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Still Charles' POV

I didn't have a lot of time to think before giving him a reliable answer. "No I don't think so what's wrong Arthur..?' I asked and looked at him with a concerned parent look. "I thought I saw- we'll never mind it might be the alcohol acting up.." he said confidently and we called the matter off.

Soon enough everyone was back to their hotel room, with me included. Today was so tiring even though I had fun. I made sure to send a good night text to Max and left my hand on the nightstand. Finally going to bed was the best decision I have ever made.

The next morning I woke up full of energy. We have so many activities planned and I am looking forward to spending time with my friends. I want to check on Max every now and then however. I just feel like he is going through a hard time and he doesn't want to open up.

I mean he never opens up if I don't ask him to and even when he does so he's not very descriptive. Is he getting along with his family? I mean his mother and his sister are not problematic as far as I am concerned but his relationship with his dad is tricky.

Max's POV

I was looking forward to this day. I am finally going to see my sister and my nephews. Victoria has always been there for me when I needed her. She's the best sister I could ever ask for and I owe her a lot.

But first I had to get ready for a training session because according to my dad they are never enough. He claims that I'll gain weight immediately if I don't work out and that will ruin my results. So yeah morning training session it is.

I grabbed my prepared breakfast from the fridge and sat on the table. I ate quite fast. I checked the time only to see that it's still pretty early. I have a lot of things to do however. I grabbed my keys and headed outside. Running is my main cardio exercise today.

I finished 7 kilometres in one hour and went back to the house. I made my way to the house gym and checked the schedule Bradley prepared for me just before travelling to my home country. And it's leg day. I hate leg days. If somebody tells you that they like leg days they are lying.

I spent a lot of time doing the exercises, with some breaks of course and then walked back to my room to change. I have some time to text Charles. I don't know if he's going to be up, since it's still early, for him at least but I will give it a try.

Hey good morning from me Charlie
I got up pretty early
I have to stick to a workout schedule during the break
Even if Bradley says that I don't really need it my father insists on following it strictly
At least I am seeing Victoria today
And my nephews
Remind me to send you pictures of them

And just like I had expected he didn't reply. I am not blaming him though. Charles likes his sleep. I find it kinda cute. I cannot sleep that much. With or without a schedule I feel useless when I sleep a lot.

I decided to go to the kitchen and make breakfast for my parents. They have been treating me right and I should return the favour somehow. After some time both of them made their way downstairs, to the kitchen and greeted me.

We had a nice morning talk, apart from some complains from my dad's side but I didn't really pay attention to them. I don't feel like ruining my mood. I want to talk to Vic about Charles and everything which has been taking place the past few months.

I said goodbye to my parents and hopped in my car. The drive to her house wasn't that long. I stopped by a flower shop to get her some flowers as well. I know that she likes roses.

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