goodmorning kiss

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Still Charles' POV

"You didn't have to carry me here.." I said and looked at him straight in his sea coloured eyes. "I am just making sure that I'll get a goodmorning kiss tomorrow.." he replied and he left me on his bed.

We sat there and remained quiet for a while. "You should wear something else.." he said and he got up. He walked to his closet and grabbed a plain black tshirt and a pair of athletic shorts. He came back and placed them on my lap.

I removed my shirt immediately and wore the one he gave to me. It smells like him and gosh it smells so good.  "I don't need those.." I said and pointed at the shorts. "I prefer my boxers.." I added and he laughed a little.

"Well whatever helps you sleep at night then Charlie.." he said and lay down next to me. "Well you help make sleep then.." I said and yawned. "Clubbing without you was a bad idea.." I added.

"It's not your fault. You just wanted to have fun. You didn't see it coming.." Max said with a comforting tone. He started drawing circles with his finger on my back. "But again I should have been more careful.." I said.

"Now you know.." he said and rested his arm around my waist. I got goosebumps all around my body. Don't get me wrong I don't feel uncomfortable. I am just not used to being looked after.

I didn't realise that I never replied to Max and he lifted his head to see if I was already asleep. "I thought that you were already sleeping. What's keeping you up Charlie..?" he asked.

Max please stop calling me Charlie. It's driving me crazy. "This.." I said. "What do you mean this, you aren't comfortable? We can switch sides if you want.." he said and said and sat up staring at me while trying to read through my face to get a reaction.

"No, I am just not used to being looked after by people. I was always the one doing that.." I said. "Welcome to Max's world, where you as an exception, can always get treated as a king.." Max said and we both laughed a little.

I fake punched his shoulder. "I just wanted to say that I appreciate your effort, in case you couldn't understand.." I said. He lay back to his previous position and pulled me closer to him.

"Of course I can see it Charles, your comments give me motivation to continue.." he said. "Thank you Max. I-I love you.." I said without quite understanding what I just said.

"Wait what, what did you say.." Max asked. "I love you Max. Goodnight for now.." I replied awkwardly and closed my eyes for good. "I love you too Charles, sweet dreams.." he whispered.

It didn't take long for me to fall asleep after that. I felt like I had all the reassurance I needed. I suppose that Max fell asleep not long after.

Max's POV

I woke up with an unusual presence next to me. I swear to god I am not used to sleeping with Charles but I am not complaining. I just moved closer to him and left a kiss on his neck while taking in his scent.

He looks angelic when he's sleeping. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of him sleeping. Now we are even Leclerc. As I was taking the picture I noticed that I received a lot of texts from my pr manager.

Good morning Max
I hope that you are doing well
Can you explain what are you doing in this picture
It's all over the internet
* attachment 1 image *

I clicked on the picture only to see me and Charles in my car, yesterday night. How the fuck did people manage to take pictures of us when we literally left from the back door. I sighed and carefully left the room.

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