change of plans

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Still Charles' POV

And so we are leaving tomorrow. It's not that I mind at all. I had an amazing time but I am looking forward to going back to Monaco. It's my only chance to spend some time with my full family before the beginning of the new season.

I left my phone on the nightstand and made sure to cover myself with the bedsheets properly. It didn't take me a lot of time to sleep. It was a good nights sleep. I feel so relaxed these days. The holidays did me good. I hope that Max is doing the same.

The next morning I woke up fully rested. I took a morning shower and had a quick talk with Arthur so that we could arrange our schedule. He is more organized than me sometimes. I tend to forget about important tasks. I have to text Max and let him know that I'll be in Monaco earlier than expected.

Good morning from here
I hope that you are doing well
And that you are making sure to sleep properly
I am texting you to let you know that I'll go to Monaco earlier than expected
We actually had to change our plans that's why
I hope that you had a fun day yesterday
I miss you Maxie

I placed my phone done again and decided to tidy the room a little bit. It's not that we are leaving in an hour or something but I manage to end up with a messy room wherever ago. Except if I am sharing with Max. He likes cleaning.

I grabbed my key card and walked downstairs meeting my brothers just outside of the breakfast area. "What a nice surprise. We can all get breakfast together and then arrange our schedule. I have missed Monaco and mom to be honest.." Lorenzo said.

"Lorenzo, people tend to say goodmorning I am afraid. You are just built different.." Arthur said and we all laughed. "Whatever whatever, we have a lot of things to do and no time to waste today.." Lorenzo added. "Yeah Arthur I think that we should eat up because we will need the energy for later.." I said.

"You didn't say good morning either. I am starting to think that we are not related.." Arthur said and we just rolled our eyes. "Yeah right, you are the adopted one.." Lorenzo said and earned a smack from Arthur.

I decided not to speak up because Arthur always uses whatever I say against me. I am too handsome to be suffering like this. Instead I just walked inside the breakfast area before them and walked to the buffet. At first I was a bit unamused but then I stared at all the options.

Arthur spoke before me. "Can we get such buffers out our paddock vip eating areas. I am jealous.." he said. "I have to agree with him on this one.." I said. Lorenzo laughed at us both. "I mean I always have to watch you two so I get some of the good stuff.." he said.

We both stared at him widen eyes. "WE ARE ALWAYS LATE FOR THEM.." Arthur shouted. "You should work on your lap times then.." Lorenzo added but he earned another smack. This time it was from me and not from Arthur. It's not my fault. He deserved it.

We ended up grabbing breakfast some minutes after and we sat together to eat. Me and Arthur were exchanging glares with Lorenzo every now and then. I even texted Arthur asking him if we could sell Lorenzo but he said that we already have a lot of money and that we should exchange him for something more useful. Like what Arthur
, a championship?

I'll go ask Max if he wants a brother. We were about to leave the table but I decided to speak. "I have an announcement to make, but mom has to be present. So we will just wait until we are all together.." I said.

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