Chpt 1

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Darkness. that's the first thing I can remember.
I open my eyes and see that I'm in the middle of a graveyard, lying on top of a freshly buried plot covered in marigolds. I sit up and look at the name engraved on the stone.

Our beloved
______ _______
~If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever.~
-------? Why does that name feel so familiar?
I reached out to touch the name.
"Holy shit!" I launch myself back in fear. I look down at my hands and see nothing but bone. I frantically pat my face and try to feel some skin. nothing. As I look down I see that I'm dressed in a black [suit/dress]

It was dark and I was scared.

I start hyperventilating and curl up next to the gravestone. "What's going on, why is this happening!" I cry out. Clenching my hands to my skull.

But then, I saw the moon.

Still panicking I look up and see the full moon in all its glory.

It was so bright it seemed to chase the darkness away. And when it did I wasn't scared anymore.

All of my fear and anguish were washed away as I stood up, continuing to stare at the moon. Only to be replaced by a sense of calmness. Though I was still confused. Why am I here? who am I? Why do I look like this?

"Are you calm now little bones? " A deep soothing voice spoke. "Who was that? Where are you?" I asked, looking around the graveyard.
"Up here ." the voice spoke. I look back to the moon. "Who are you?" I asked puzzled. The moon seemed to only shine brighter as it spoke "I am Manny, better known as the man on the moon."

I am el/la muerte. How do I know that? The man on the moon told me so. That was all he ever told me. And that was a long long time ago.

End of chapter 1.
Ok, so I will probably add more to this or edit it depending on how y'all like it and how I feel about it.
(B/D) : birthday
(D/D): death date

The Rise of Love: A Bunnymund X Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now