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About 600 years after

At the North Pole in Santa workshop, we see North in his office working diligently on an ice block. cutting it in half with a chainsaw.
"Still waiting for cookies!" North yells while unknowingly passing a group of elves eating the cookies they were supposed to give him. The elves freeze mid-eating and look at each other.
North slides back and forth on a swivel chair to the tools and the table holding the ice block.

He sings along to his music while adding the finishing touches to his ice train. He finally finishes his design and places the newly formed model ice train onto the track. With his magic the train comes to life, moving on the track with smoke coming out of its chimney.
The train passes two elves carrying a plate of cookies, one elf sternly looks at the other and points to the plate. The other elf spits out bits of cookie back onto the plate. "Ah! Finally!" North says excitedly grabbing a cookie and eating it.

He happily watches his train travel around the track. The train speeds up and flies off the track, spinning for a moment and then flying in the air. North cheers contently, watching his train fly.
The flying train was then disrupted when a Yeti slammed the door of the office open in a panic, shattering the beautiful ice sculpture.
Welp. A peaceful moment was ruined.

Both North and the Yeti go through the stages of grief for a few moments.
North sighs and pinches the top of his nose with his index fingers."How many times have I told you to knock!" He yells exasperated. The yeti replies in his language anxiously. "What? The globe?" North questions, grabbing his sword and following the yeti.
North enters a different room with a giant globe. "Shoo with your pointy heads, why are you always under boot?" He exclaimed trying to avoid stepping on one of the tiny elves that crowd the floor.

North looks at the globe in front of him. The little lights on the globe flicker, some turning off completely. "What is this?" North questions. "Have you checked the axis? Is rotation balanced?" He asks the two yetis behind him. The yetis nod.
The wind picks up suddenly as black sand starts to cover the globe, and elves run around frantically looking for a place to hide.

North's eyes widen as the sand completely covers the globe. All the sand then travels up the globe forming a tight ball and then explodes, scattering sand all over. black sand quickly dashes past North and forms itself into the shape of a man who walks around the globe and cackles deviously before vanishing.
"Can it be?"North says. "Dingle! Make preparations, we are going to have company" he says addressing one of the elves before twisting a handle and pushing down, setting off the northern lights.

End of chapter 2.
I'll be adding photos and references to the character so you guys can get an image of what they look like in the next announcement.

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