chpt 4

599 11 3

Just to put it out there, you and Jack are friends and you guys met a little after Jack was created. You guys treat each other like siblings. If you want me to make the story on how you guys met I'll be glad to just let me know.

The hooded figure now known as Jack Frost rests on the top of an electric box. He taps his wooden staff on the box, causing ice to quickly spread onto it and straight across the street. A man walking past carrying boxes slipped on the ice but managed to stay standing. The ice continues to spread and finds another victim, a child trying to get a drink of water becomes stuck as the water from the water fountain freezes instantly as it touches his tongue. His two friends noticed and burst out in laughter.

Back to the man with the boxes as he slips on another patch of ice and slips, his boxes flying as he harshly lands on his bottom. Jack laughs at the sight. The ice then travels up a building and to a window where a child is trying to feed his goldfish, before he can do so though a layer of ice forms across the water's surface. The boy shouts in surprise. Jack laughs mischievously.

The ice is still on the move for its new prey, a writer with her window open. As the ice creeps closer the wind picks up, scattering the writer's papers into the sky. She shouts something in Russian whilst frantically trying to grab the papers. The ice moves along the building and hits clothing lines, freezing the clothes hanging. Jack reappears again atop a cathedral spire grabbing the top of it and putting a pause to his shenanigans.

"Oh! Now that, that was fun" Jack sighs and shouts "Hey, wind!" The wind gains speed and strength as if responding to Jack. "Take me home!" Jack grins and lets go and the wind takes off with him. Soaring into the sky through the clouds. Jack hollers as he is lifted over the clouds getting a beautiful view of the moon in all its glory.

The night suddenly turns to day as he shifts from one horizon to another. Jack falls through the clouds and into the town of Burgess. "SNOWWW DAYYYY!" Jack loudly announces diving and flying through the town's streets.
People exclaim in surprise from the sudden rush of ice and cold and clutch onto their jackets and hats.

Jack takes off again and flies to the town's lake, now frozen. He quickly skates through the lake. The wind picks up once again and knocks a book out of the hands of a little boy walking by himself. This is Jamie. As the book lands on the floor the cover is shown.

'MYSTERIOUS TIMES, THEY'RE OUT THERE ! ' the cover is filled with mythical creatures such as Yeti, Bigfoot, E.T., Mothman, etc. Jack lands close by looking at the book "Oh that looks interesting, good book?" He questions the child as Jamie picks up the book and dusts it off, not responding to him.

Two of Jamie's friends, Caleb and Claude run up behind Jamie and are cheering. "snow day! Woohoo!" The twins playfully push and shove each other while passing Jamie. Jack smiles "your welcome" he states happily raising his hand and making a little gesture. "Guys wait up! Are you guys coming to the egg hunt on Sunday?" Jamie shouts and runs to his friends. "Yea! Free candy!" Caleb responds. " I hope we can find the eggs with all this snow!" Claude laughs.

The boys make it to the fence at Jamie's. Jamie opens up a secret plank door and walks into his yard. Claude and Caleb enter, still roughhousing with each other. Jack walks along the top of the fence unseen.

Jamie gasps "Whoa, it says here that they found Bigfoot hair samples and DNA in Michigan, that's like super close!"
"Here we go again" Claude teased
"You saw the video too, Claude. He's out there." Jamie whispers eyes widening.
"That's what you said about aliens!" Caleb replies "And the Easter bunny!" Claude adds. "The Easter Bunny is real," Jamie says.
"Oh, he's real alright. Real annoying, really grumpy, and really full of himself." Jack laughs.
"Come on! You guys will believe anything." Claude states.

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