Chpt 6

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*In Jamie's room still*

Not your POV:
The door to Jamie's room opens slowly, revealing a little girl, Jamie's little sister Sophie. She giggles at the sight of North in her big brother's bed. Sophie tries to jump on top of North but slips, pulling his thick jacket to the side. From his jacket, a snow globe rolls out. Sophie gasps and grabs it. "Prettyy.." she whispers, scooting off the bed. She then looks to the side and sees the sleeping Muerte and Bunnymund.

She smiles, seeing the Easter bunny. She hops around excitedly. "Bunny, hop, hop, hop!" As she says this, the snow globe chimes, creating a vision of Easter eggs. Sophie laughs and looks at the globe as she walks away, not watching where she is stepping. She trips over the dog, dropping the snowglobe. "Ow!" The snow globe bounces off the floor and turns into a vortex leading to Bunny's warren. Sophie giggles and steps into it.

The vortex closes,  North wakes up suddenly. Looking around drowsily. "Whu..huh?" He mutters, not knowing what has just occurred.

With Sandy and Jack:
The nightmares dash across rooftops with Jack and Sandy on their heels, Jack laughs enjoying the chase. The nightmares split up, one going through a window with Sandy following in right after it. The other flies over the roof, and Jack does a bit of parkour to keep up. Sandy and the nightmare he was chasing blasted out of the window. Sandy, this time riding it. He touches the dark horse, and it shifts into a giant gold sting ray.

Jack flies through alleyways after the nightmare, chasing it up to the roofs until he finally has a clear shot and shoots it with an ice blast from his staff. The nightmare whinnies. Jack laughs triumphantly  "I got it!". He jumps to the roof that he froze it on.  He approaches the frozen nightmare and pokes at it with his staff. "Sandy!" Jack calls out trying to find Sandy. "Sandy, did you see that!?" Jack laughs, looking back at the nightmare. "Look at this thing," Jack mumbles.

From behind Jack, a dark shadow appears, Pitch. "Frost?" Pitch questions. Jack gasps and turns, attempting to shoot a blast of ice at Pitch. Pitch easily dodges this and reappears on the neighboring rooftop. "Y'know, for a neutral party, you spend an awful lot of time with those weirdos." Pitch walks closer as he continues. "This isn't your fight, Jack." Jack's grip on the staff tightens. "You made it my fight when you stole those teeth!" Jack shouts.

Pitch's head tilts slightly. "Teeth? Why do you care about the teeth?" Pitch's eyes widen slightly. He then glances to the side and gasps, noticing Sandy right next to him glaring. Pitch quickly steps back. He regains his confidence somewhat as he chuckles. "Now, this is who I've been looking for.." Before Pitch could continue, Sandy creates two gold whips and attacks Pitch. Pitch desperately dodges and ducks. Pitch seethes, creating a gigantic sickle, and swings it back towards Sandy.

Jack quickly dives to the ground, evading one of Pitch's swings. He watches the fight from the other rooftop as Sandy uses the whips to wrap around Pitch's wrists. Sandy launches Pitch into the air before grabbing him again with the whips, slamming him back and forth into the tops of the buildings like a ragdoll. For his finishing move, Sandy then throws him off the roof. Pitch bounces off a car on the way down and falls onto the empty street, groaning.

Sandy dusts his hands off as he and Jack look down at Pitch from the building. Jack looks at Sandy eyebrows raised. "Remind me not to get on your bad side." Sandy smiles, and they both go down to Pitch.

Pitch crawls backward as they walk towards him. "Okay, easy. You can't blame me for trying, Sandy. You don't know what it's like to be weak and hated!" Pitch pleads and stands up. "It was stupid of me to mess with your dreams. So, I'll tell you what." Pitch's tone changes to a dark one as he grins. "You can have them back."

The sounds of horses neighing echo all around the empty streets as the nightmares appear from all angles, spilling out of storm drains, and alleyways, and jumping down from rooftops to entrap Sandy and Jack in a circle. Although worried Jack and Sandy face their backs toward each other and prepare to fight. Jack tenses up. "You take the ones on the left, I'll take the ones on the right?" Jack mutters to Sandy.

The Rise of Love: A Bunnymund X Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now