Chpt 3

462 11 3

Sorry for already failing to stay consistent my life is busy at the moment.

-we are skipping to when the guardians are already at the pole in the globe room cause I'm not writing all that-

"Cookies? Eggnog anyone?" North asks the rest of the guardians.
"This better be good North" Bunnymund states annoyed rubbing his paws together to get some warmth back in them.
"Sandy, thank you for coming" North Greets
Sandman floats down to North making a slightly irked face and arms raised.
"I know, I know, but I wouldn't have called you all here unless it was serious." North proclaimed
Tooth shushes her fairies, trying to focus on what North is saying.
North, bunnymund, tooth, and Sandman, have now reached the center of the globe room.

"Pitch was here, at the pole!" North exclaims.
All the guardians turn to him in shock.
"Pitch? Pitch black? Here?" Tooth says concerned.
"Yes," says North gravely."there was black sand covering the globe!" He announced using his arms to try and reenact the moment.

"Wha-what do you mean black sand?" Bunnymund asks, leaving the warmth of the fireplace to question North.
"And then a shadow" North continues
"Hold on hold on I thought you said you saw pitch," Bunnymund says confused holding an egg and a paintbrush.
"Well uh, not exactly" North nervously scratched the back of his head.
"Not exactly? Can you believe this guy?" He asks Sandman pointing to North with his paintbrush. Gold sand forms into a question mark above the sandman's head as he shrugs.

"Yeah. you said it, Sandy" Bunnymund agrees and goes back to painting. "Look, he's up to something very bad. I feel it. In my belly." North whispers grabbing his stomach. The trio of Tooth's fairies fly down and look at North's stomach worried.
"Hang on, hang on. You want to say you summoned me here three days before Easter because of your belly?" Bunnymund pokes North's stomach with his brush. "Mate if I did this to you three days before Christmas.." bunnymund is interrupted by North patting his face "Please, bunny. easter is not Christmas." He says taking the egg from his paws and starts tossing it in his hand while walking away.

Bunnymund laughs scornfully. "Here we go.
N-North I don't have time for this!" He stammers following North. "I still have two million eggs to finish up!"
Behind them is Sandman with a cup of eggnog, an elf starts rapidly drinking from the cup while Sandman is distracted only to fall when he notices and pulls the cup towards himself. Sandman then looks up noticing the moon's appearance in the skylight.

North and Bunnymund continue to argue not noticing Sandman aggressively gesturing and pointing to the moon.
"Why are rabbits always so nervous?" North asks hitting the bottom of Bunnymund's paw and launching the egg up. Bunnymund panics and struggles to gain ahold of it again.  "And why are you always such a blowhard?" Bunnymund says.

Once again neither of them noticed Sandman with a flag rapidly moving above his head.
Tooth passes the two arguing in her own world doing her job only to be interrupted by North. " Tooth! Can't you see we are trying to argue?" Bunnymund nods and goes back to painting.
"Sorry. not all of us get to work one night a year. Am I right Sandy?" Tooth asks looking at Sandman.

He eagerly nods and points up with his hands and a big arrow above his head.
Tooth looks at him for a moment more and before she can do anything gets distracted by her work once again, shouting out locations of teeth to the little fairies surrounding her.  Bunnymund walks into Sandman's arrow, causing it to fade away. "Come on, mate. Pitch went out with the Dark Ages. We made sure of it." Bunnymund counters.

Sandman has had enough and drifts to an elf licking a cup trying to get the leftover eggnog drops.
"I know it was him. we have serious situation." North responds. "Well, I got a serious situation with some eggs," Bunnymund states with tooth rambling in the background to her fairies.
Sandman annoyed at the fact that he was practically invincible, grabs the elf by his hat and viciously shakes it. The ringing of the bell on the elf's head finally gained the other's attention.

The Rise of Love: A Bunnymund X Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now