Chpt 5

458 10 3

*The launch shed*
North shoves open a set of double doors, he enters the room with Muerte, Jack, Bunny, and Sandy following close behind.
Several yetis and eleves rush around trying to set the sleigh ready. Jack tries to catch up to North. "North! North! I told you I'm not going with you guys!" He says while dodging multiple yetis running past him. He gets separated for a bit, having to maneuver around the yetis.

Your POV:
I stand next to North, Sandy, and Bunny and observe the yetis as they run around in a frenzy. A cough brings my attention back as I look to the source. It's Bunny. "Is that uh, new?" He questions looking at my shawl. I place it a little higher on my shoulders before answering. "Yes, it is. North gave it to me as a gift." I say a little sharp not looking at him.

I still don't like you right now.

"It looks nice on you. Look um, I'm sorry about earlier." He smiles nervously and I get that heavy feeling in my chest again.

flattery will get you nowhere!.. Damnit yes it will. And what is it with that feeling?

I respond. "It shouldn't be me you're saying sorry to, but I get it. Just..try to get along with Jack." He groans lightly and I raise my eyebrow at him. "Fine, Fine. I'll try!" He mutters and I put my hand out towards him for a handshake. He looks down at my hand and back to me before chuckling and shaking it. We lightly laughed. A sudden shout from North gets our attention. We turn to look at North and Sandy."What is it North?" I ask curious. Sandy frantically moves his hands above his head breaking a glyph before I can see it fully. I narrowed my eyes suspicious of the act.

"Oh, nothing! Me and Sandy were just talking. R-right Sandy?" North answers quickly and looks to Sandy, who nods his head rapidly. I look at Bunny who shrugs and I decide to let it go. The yetis then go to open the doors to get the sleigh out. I smile excitedly.

Out of your POV:
North and Sandy stand close by to the two of you, jaws practically dropping at what they are hearing. They have never seen Bunnymund act so comfortable with someone else before. And now he is apologizing? And agreeing to get along with Jack Frost! North and Sandy look at each other as they try and figure out what is up with their friend.

A loading circle appears over Sandy's head as he thinks with his hand to his chin. Then it quickly bursts as he looks up at North and creates a heart and a question mark glyph. North eyes widen as he gasps "Yes!" He shouts. Muerte and Bunny turn and look at North and Sandy. Sandy destroys the glyphs before Muerte can see them. Muerte's eyes narrow at that action.
"What is it North?" Muerte asked curiously. Bunny tilts his head slightly as he looks to North.

"Oh, nothing! Me and Sandy were just talking. R-right Sandy?" North answers quickly and looks to Sandy for assistance. Sandy nods his head rapidly. Muerte looks back to Bunny while North and Sandy try to hide their nervousness. Bunny shrugs at Muerte and they decide to take North's answer. North and Sandy sigh inwardly. Then they smile at each other mischievously.
Two yetis then open a bigger set of double doors letting the reindeer behind them start to walk out. Jack joins the group, stepping in the middle of Bunny and Muerte. "There is no way I'm climbing into some rickety old.." he stops speaking as the sleigh is starting to get pulled out by the reindeer.

Your POV:
My jaw drops as the sleigh stops right in front of us. My eyes dash all around it excitedly and I start to fidget in excitement.

Ok, let's be professional here. Be calm be calm..

"Okay. one ride, but that's it." Jack says and jumps in. I quickly follow sitting next to Sandy. North smiles smugly. " Everyone loves the sleigh." He gets on and takes the reins. "Bunny, what are you waiting for?" North asks and I look to the side of the sleigh to see Bunny standing there nervously. "I think my tunnels might be faster mate, and um..and safer" Bunny states ready to make a tunnel, before he can though North grabs him and tosses him in the sleigh in the seat in front of me. I lean forward and pat his shoulder sympathetically. When I lean back I see Sandy looking at me smugly. I give Him a look of confusion.

The Rise of Love: A Bunnymund X Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now