Male Muerte x bunnymund smut

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I know I said I wouldn't but I had a really good idea for a smut. Since my brain has been rattling inside my skull like a single peanut in a tin can when it comes to how to write this next chapter I figured might as well just do it. Hope you enjoy it. 18+

Muerte slowly steps into the bath. The smell of eucalyptus and tea tree oil fills his senses as he sinks into the warm water. Humming as his muscles loosen and relax. Muerte rests his arms on the ring of the tub and lets his head lull back. Shutting his eyes and thinking back to the busy day he just had. Greeting newcomers into the realm, doing mounds of paperwork for his kingdom, Solving issues within the realm to be sure that the citizens are in peace and remembered, Preparing for dia de los Muertos, and on top of all that meeting with the rest of the guardians to discuss the upcoming holidays.

Ever since they had last defeated Pitch the guardians realized that by working together more children believe in them. So they've been helping each other a lot more. Nothing Muerte would complain about. The rest of the guardians are like family to him. Jack and Tooth are his siblings, North his father figure, Sandy already being his mentor. And bunny... Well, Bunny is in a different group entirely.

Muerte couldn't help but feel drawn to Bunny when they first met. His protective, calm yet confident nature lured him in. And it's clear to see Bunny felt the same with Muerte. The two would flirt with each other relentlessly and were an unstoppable team. But as much as they would flirt neither of them had the strength to go any further than that. At least until today...

Muerte's breath hitches slightly as a certain someone comes up from behind him and places his hands on Muerte's shoulders, trailing them up and down his arms. Bunny chuckles lowly. "You're tense, love. Relax, I'll take care of ya." Bunny slowly kneads into the knots in Muerte's shoulders and neck. "Mmh..." Muerte melts into bunny's touch. "Aster.." Muerte groans breathlessly and Bunny smirks, his soft paws unravel Muerte's mind and body within minutes. Bunny interlocks their hands together and kisses the back of Muerte's hand. The sweet and light kiss sent a wave of warmth through Muerte.

Bunny gets on his knees and plants more kisses down Muerte's arm. He tauntingly moves his lips closer to Muerte's neck. His sign of affection now spreading like wildfire. He nips at Muerte's shoulder leaving purple marks scattered around. 
Muerte sighs and squeezes bunny's hand lightly. "Por favor, don't tease." He whispers and Bunny chuckles. "Sorry, love. I just enjoy ya squirmin. I'll give you what ya want." Bunny's touch is as light as a feather on Muerte's neck, his warm breath causes Muerte to shudder.

Like a moth to a flame, bunny kisses and sucks on Muerte's neck. "Mh.." Muerte tilts his head to the side allowing Bunny more room to explore his new territory. Although this would be the first time they would ever do such a thing together.. it felt so right, like something that has been held back for so long. Bunny sucks and bites Muerte as if he were addicted to the taste of him. bunny's hand travels down Muerte's chest, entering the warm water of the bath and reaching

"Your Majesty?" Muerte jolts awake, looking around for a moment. There was a knock at the bathroom door. Muerte sighs "Yes,what is it?"  The person behind the door speaks again. "I was just checking on you, your Majesty. You've been there a while." Now that they mention it Muerte shivers, the water in the tub is now cold. Muerte drags a hand down his face and groans quietly before answering. "I'm alright, thank you." He stated and the person leaves.

Muerte looks up at the ceiling and bites the inside of his cheek. How is he going to face Bunny again after such a dream?
"I need to stop reading those romance novels." He mutters to himself before taking a deep breath and sinking his whole body into the frigid water. Hoping to wash away his sinful thoughts.

Happy April Fools
Seriously though I am struggling with this upcoming chapter so I'm sorry.

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