Chapter 11: Questions

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Chapter 11: Questions

   It was already approaching midnight. At this hour, people are already asleep. Meanwhile, some people aren't asleep in the Henituse Territory.

In the Henituse Castle of Rain City, the count of the territory is currently awake. Along with their household's two butlers and his first son Cale Henituse.

Deruth was currently sitting. Beside him was his son. On the sidelines were Hans and Ron. The former was tense and nervousness could be seen on his face.

Opposite where Deruth and Cale were sitting is Allen. He was currently holding a cup of tea and taking a small sip out of it. After savoring the flavor of the tea for a moment with his eyes closed, a pair of blue eyes peered at Ron with a slight smile on his face.

" The Golden Flower Tea that you brewed is fascinating. It was more bitter and floral than the usual Golden Flower Tea that I had back in the castle.  "

Ron nodded his head at the compliment and smiled politely.

" It is an honor that my tea has satisfied your highness. "

While Allen was exchanging pleasantries with Ron, Cale clicked his tongue.

" We aren't here to entertain his highness, the fourth prince. "

" Cale! "

Ignoring his father's chastising, Cale's reddish brown eyes narrowed at Allen.

" I would like an explanation of the things that happened earlier and your agenda Prince Alexis. "

Currently in his nonincognito form, (With his recognizable blond hair and blue eyes – A distinct characteristic of the Crossman Royal Family of the Roan Kingdom) Allen replied to the demanding inquiry.

" Very well, Sir Cale. Considering that you have been troubled by the Demon, I shall heed your request. "

Allen then placed the cup of tea down on the table and started explaining.

" Just like the Demon of the Self-Pity declared, It is a demon but different from the race of demons that was told in Ancient Books and Legends. "

" It referred to itself as a Devil. "

Deruth muttered which was heard by the other occupants of the private room. Alexis nodded in acknowledgment at the count's words.

" It indeed referred to itself as Devil. Considering what I read about the demons of this world, The Devil of Self-Pity wanted to distinguish itself from the Demonic Race. "

Count Deruth asked Allen.

" How different are they? "

Gazing at the occupants of the room, Allen was silent for a few seconds. He deliberated for a moment if he should answer their questions. He reasoned inside his mind that an explanation was necessary since they were involved in his business. He couldn't just let them be ignorant and go away with the currently recuperating Gavin.

It was necessary to tell them things.

" I don't know much about the Demonic Race but the Devils are beings that spread around Malice. They would always cause destruction and ruin. Devils always act in self-interest and they don't have a physical body. Just like what you saw earlier with your younger son Count Deruth, they are capable of possessing someone. They can do magic just like what you saw earlier with the Self-Pity's levitating people and things around and they are capable of regeneration. "

The occupants of the room contemplated what Allen told them. Hans was currently shivering in fear while Cale was frowning. After a few moments, he asked Allen.

" If they are capable of possessing someone, why just now? Why didn't that Devil possess Basen earlier? "

Giving a wan smile, Allen replied.

" ... If I am not wrong, it was required for the Devil of Self-Pity to break Basen's will before it could possess his body. I saw earlier that the Devil was struggling. Your little brother has a strong will. "

Both Count Deruth and Cale were secretly proud that Basen had given the Devil difficulties. But they were doused with cold water when they realized that Basen was struggling for too long.

' Why did none of us notice? '

Both of them questioned inside their minds. Seeing their eyes with guilty expressions, Allen decided to reassure them.

" Devils are extremely intelligent and manipulative. They always seek weakness. And it was none of your fault that none of you realize it. You didn't know that the Devil of Self-Pity would be sealed in a Vanity Mirror. "

' I should have been more observant with Basen's behavior. '

Both the Father and Son thought. The former then gasped in realization. Cale then asked his father seeing him look like having a painful revelation.

" What is it, Father? "

" Should we tell, Violan? "

Cale along with Hans grimace at the question. 

If Violan learned of this, she would be devastated by what happened. She would likely blame herself since she was the one who gifted the mirror to Basen in the first place. Endangering the life of her son and making the Demon of Self-Pity take advantage of his doubts and insecurities.

While Cale was waiting for an answer from his father, Allen then said to them.

" When Basen awakes, there is a high chance that he won't remember the events that occurred. You should give him an explanation and ask him yourself if he wants to tell him the things that happened to his Mother. "

Pausing for a bit, Allen added.

" Also, it wasn't anyone's fault that a sin vessel would be hard to detect or notice by anyone. The only way to notice a sin vessel was if someone has a high light magic affinity and they are near the object. The other way was to have a contract with a devil and use the devil to search for its fellow devils. "

After Allen said those words, the occupants of the room were both relieved and hesitant.

With a wary gaze towards Allen, the count asked.

" Your goal in coming to my territory is to collect the mirror possessed by the Devil correct? "

" Yes, it is indeed my priority Count Deruth. "

" What are your intentions in collecting these dangerous objects Fourth Prince? I'm guessing that your father or even any of your brothers aren't  aware of this particular goal of yours. "

Smiling Allen replied.

" You don't need to worry about it Count. I assure you that I am not collecting these objects for nefarious purposes. I am searching for the objects to seal them. And if I have no choice, search for a way to destroy the sin vessels. Regarding whether my father or brothers know of my secret activities, no they don't. I would like it to remain that way.   "

Deruth and Cale sighed inside their minds when they heard Allen's answer. The fourth prince is now gazing at them like a predator. Waiting for their answer. Considering that the fourth prince has saved Basen's life and it would bring nothing but trouble if they opened their mouths, it was best to keep quiet.

" You can be reassured Prince Alexis that the secret stays in this room. "

" I'm glad. "

The fourth prince smiled at them.

" I wouldn't need to find a way to make you all lose your memories regarding the Devil or myself. "

Count Deruth looks at Allen with a complicated gaze. The fourth prince right now is different from the rumors roaming around the Roan Kingdom.

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