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Opening chants. The Shinigami Realm is shown. Ryuk is sitting on a rock, Rem is resting, and Zellogi is scratching his back with his scythe.

Gook: "What. A pair of sleeping skulls?"

Deridovely: "Hehe, I win again! No hard feelings, right?"

Gook: "Hey there, Ryuk, would it kill you to join us? You should come play with us for a change!"

Ryuk: "No, I'll pass."

~Light's classroom~

English teacher: "Listen for the voice of God then follow it and know that in time you will find your salvation."

Talking Girl 1: "I know, I didn't even do anything wrong! He just totally snapped at me!"

Talking Girl 2: "Really?"

Teacher: "Yagami, are you still with us? Can you please translate the following sentence into English?"

Light sighs.

Light: "Follow the teachings of God and receive his blessings and so it shall be that the seas will again become bountiful and the raging storms will subside."

News is being broadcast, then Light is shown walking home.

Newscaster: "Today, at approximately 11 am a 32-year-old man was found stabbed to death in his apartment in the city of Yokohama Karigara Prefecture. Karigawa police are treating this case as a homicide."

Newscaster 2: "In other news, today, suspected murderer Naoki Tokuji was arrested in the district of Shibuya Tokyo. He is being held in custody facing murder charges for the brutal slaying of his common-law partner, who was only 25 at the time of death."

Light: "Day in and day out, the same news on permanent repeat."

Ryuk: "This is all so ridiculous."

Light: "This world is..."

Ryuk: "Rotten."

Next day at school

Teacher: "Another noticeable consequence is the extinction of many species on the planet. Species are now becoming extinct at a faster rate than has ever occurred in our recorded history."

Chatting boy: "No way! You paged [unintelligible]."

Death Note falls from the sky, with indistinct chattering of students. Light notices and walks outside to pick it up. Before he could a purple-eyed teen with black to red hair grabs it first. There's movement in her bag.

Y/n: I understand. We will get moving as soon as I return this notebook. Then you can go back to napping.

Y/n stands up properly and faces Light.

Y/n: "Here's your notebook back."

Light takes the notebook.

Light: "It's not mi--"

Light cuts himself off as soon as he realizes the girl is gone.

Light: "Death Note? As in a notebook of death? Hmm. How to use it: the human whose name is written in this notebook... shall die! Hmm. It's pretty lame, not to mention twisted. It's really not that different from one of those chain letters you get. A human whose name is written in this notebook shall die? Come on."

Train whistle

Light: "There must be something wrong with me to even consider it. This note will not take effect unless the writer has the person's face in their mind when writing his or her name. Therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected. If the cause of death is written within 40 seconds of writing the person's name, it will happen. If the cause of death is not specified, the person will simply die of a heart attack. After writing the cause of death, details of the death should be written in the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds. Hmm, so depending on the person you have in mind you can either kill them easily or painfully, huh. This is pretty detailed for a prank, I'll give them that. Hmm... so I write a name and that person... dies. Like anyone would believe that. Ugh! Wait, on the off chance someone really dies, would that make me a murderer? Yeah right, it's completely impossible."

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