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Opening Theme

Title card

Ryuk follows Y/n and the woman.

Y/n: "What did you figure out?"

Woman: "Aren't you going to confirm any info? Like who I am?"

Y/n: "Miss, the walls have ears. I'd rather you be safe and have false info, than have right info and you be in danger."

Woman: "Kira's able to control their actions before he kills them, but there's more to it. If my analysis so far is correct, Kira can kill in a number of ways, not just with a heart attack."

Y/n: "Thanks for letting us know but we already came to that conclusion."

Shoko: "I'm almost positive someone I know may have met Kira."

Y/n: "The FBI agent who was following Light? I know. Luckly he didn't get the mans name."

Shoko: "Right. So do you susp--"

Y/n raises her hand.

Y/n: "Let's not talk about details out in the open about this. Enjoy your time with your family. We've got everything handled."

Shoko: "Thank you."

Ryuk: It seems that the investigation is farther than Light anticipated. I knew following her would provide more interesting entertainment than following Light, but how did she know I was listening?

~Exterior of Teito Hotel~

Ryuzaki: "I apologize for questioning you all like that, but I am afraid I had no other choice."

Cut inside to Ryuzaki and task force sitting around a table

Ryuzaki: "I've determined that Kira is not among us."

The task force members all sigh in relief

Soichiro: "Ryuzaki, how can you be certain that we're all innocent?"

Ryuzaki: "Well, to be honest, from the beginning I set a number of traps that would reveal if any of you was Kira. But after speaking with you one-on-one, I don't feel the need."

"Huhs" and sighs of relief from the task force Ryuzaki's cell phone rings

Ryuzaki: "Excuse me." [picks up phone]

Matsuda: Unbelievable. He tells us to turn off our cellphones.

Ryuzaki: [on phone] "Understood. I'm just about finished here anyway. You got the key so let yourself in. [hangs up] Watari is on his way."

The task force members gasp

Watari stands in front of the task force. They gasp. He takes off his hat.

Watari: "Gentlemen, it's an honor to meet all of you."

Quiet gasps from the task force.

Aizawa: "This person is Watari?"

Matsuda: "Um, what about your usual outfit?"

Watari: "If I dressed like that, I'd be announcing to the world that I am "Watari". That's all it takes to give away the location of our headquarters and Ryuzaki."

Matsuda: "Oh. I see."

Watari: "Ordinarily, I would never show my face to any of you. The fact that I'm here is proof that you've won Ryuzaki's trust."

Matsuda rubs the back of his head.

Matsuda: "Now that you mention it, I do feel honored."

He laughs nervously.

Watari is holding forth a silver briefcase.

Watari: "Well then, I've brought those items you requested. It's all here."

Ryuzaki: "Could you please pass them out to everyone?"

Watari: "Yes."

Watari opens briefcase to reveal new police IDs.

Watari: "Gentlemen, these are your new police IDs."

Task force "uhs" and "huhs" in confusion.

Aizawa: "But what for?"

Fade in from black to: task force in L's suite staring at their new badges. Brief closeup of Soichiro's, with the fake name "Asashi Siyuurou" written on it.

Soichiro: "Our names and ranks are false."

Matsuda: "Why did you give us fake IDs?"

Ryuzaki: "As you know, Kira requires a name and a face to kill. ["sips tea"] We will confront him with that premise in mind. And I think it should be obvious why."

Ukita: "Yes, but of all people, the police shouldn't use fake IDs."

Soichiro: "Enough. What choice do we really have, given the capabilities of our enemy? As long as you're working on this case, I think we're going to need all the protection one can get. It would be foolish not to use them."

Matsuda: "Yeah, you've got a good point."

Aizawa: [nods] "Uh-huh."

Ryuzaki: "Remember, anytime you're in a situation where you have to give out your name to a stranger, make sure to use the name from your fake ID. Undestood?"

Nods and grunts of confirmation

Matsuda: "Right."

Ryuzaki: "And be careful not to take them out while in the presence of other police officers. I'm sure I don't need to tell you that could cause problems for us."

Nods and grunts of confirmation.

Aizawa: "I understand."

Watari opening another silver briefcase on a table filled with belts.

Watari: "Very well, then. I'd like to request that you wear these at all times."

Matsuda: "Uh, belts?"

Watari: "Each one has a transmitter in the buckle. This will allow Ryuzaki to monitor your whereabouts. And when you press the buckle twice like this..."

He presses the buckle of the belt in his hand, and his cellphone begins to ring. He fishes for it in his pocket.

Watari: "...my cell phone will ring, displaying your name. [hangs up cell phone] And I'll call you back immediately, but you won't see my number displayed. In the morning, all of you will go to the police station as usual. Then, later on in the day, we'll use this method, we'll use this method to confirm the name of Ryuzaki's hotel and his room number. Please use this for emergencies as well."

Matsuda smiles and fiddling with his belt.

Matsuda: "No way, this is totally cool! I feel like some kind of secret agent going after Kira!"

Soichiro: "Quiet, Matsuda! This is not the time to be fooling around. Knock it off!"

Matsuda: [dejectedly] "Yes, sir."

Ryuzaki: "Oh, and come to think of it, who's at the police station right now?"

Soichiro: "Actually, no one's there at the moment."

Ryuzaki: "That's not good news. We need someone there at all times. Work in shifts if you have to."

Soichiro: "I understand. Aizawa, I'll put you in charge of that for today."

Aizawa: [standing up] "Yes, sir. I'm on my way. Won't take me long."


Ending credits

Next episode preview

Light: "With Ryuk's information and my preparations, I can continue to kill criminals who names are broadcast on the news, while masquerading as a typical high school student studying for his entrance exams. Just watch me, L."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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