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Opening chants

Light: "The human whose name is written in this notebook shall die..."

Flashback to Light killing Takuo

Takuo laughs.

Takuo: "Woo!"

Lady: "Help me!"

Light: "Now... what will happen?"

Takuo is killed by a truck.

Light: "The Death Note, it's for real!"

Flashback changes to Light encountering Ryuk, where Light screams and falls after seeing him

Ryuk: "Any human who's used a Death Note can neither go to heaven nor hell for eternity."

Light: "I want the world to know of my existence. That there's someone passing righteous judgement on the wicked! And I... I will become the God of this New World!"

Flashback commences then switches to present-time

English teacher: "He found himself overwhelmed with happiness and satisfaction, [Girl talking: I have no idea what he was thinking coming to my house, but I am so through with him.] [Boy: Seriously? So what happened with your dad after that?] knowing that, at long last, his dream had finally come true. Alright then. Yagami? Please recite this line for us."

Light stands up.

Light: "Sure. Having finally made his dream a reality, he was overwhelmed. Both by the magnitude of his achievement, and by the joy and happiness that it brought him."

Light sits back down.

English teacher: "That was very well done, but I'm not surprised, of course. Absolutely flawless. Very good. Well then, we'll leave it at that for today."

The students groan and get up from their seats. The bell rings.

Ryuk: [Outside] "I thought it'd never end. How do you do this every day? It's so boring here. Hey, where're you going? Hey, Light! Are you listening to me?"

Light: [Quietly] "Don't talk to me. Unlike you, people can still hear me when I talk out loud."

Ryuk: "Heh, well aren't you boring."

Young man: "Hey, what's up, Light? We were just going to head down to the—"

Light: "Sorry, I'm a little busy today."

Ryuk: "You don't have anything to do. Aren't you just going to go home and hang out in your room, as usual?"

Light: "What are you talking about? Of course, I have something to do. Yes, something very important."

Y/n: "Light!"

Light: "How was your first day of school, Yoriichi?"

Y/n: "Boring, but I'll be moving to your English class, and despite not being in school before, I'm already at your grade."

Light: "That's wonderful, Yoriichi."

Y/n smiles at hm but grimaces at the smell.

Light: "Too many scents?"

Y/n: "Mhmm."

Light: "Let's get Sumiyoshi."

~Scene change~

A news broadcast is playing on the TV in Light's bedroom. Light is writing names down in his Death Note.

News Reporter: "There was more violence across the city today. Another stabbing, this time at a restaurant in the heart of the Kabuki-cho district of Shinjuku."

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