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Opening Theme

A montage of scenes from the previous episode plays as relevant dialogue from the episode overlaps. A hand reaches out of a prison cell. Cut to a prison cafeteria. An inmate sitting at a table tears his shirt open and dies. Cut to Soichiro standing at his desk in task force HQ, addressing two reporting officers.

Soichiro: [V.O.] "What? I don't believe this. Another twenty-three victims yesterday? Are these confirmed?"

L's voice is heard as the screen dissolves to a room in an unknown location. L is leaning back in front of a computer.

L: [V.O.] "As soon as began to suspect that Kira might be a student, the pacing of the killings changed, as if to contradict that theory. This can only mean that Kira has access to police information."

Towards the end of L's first sentence, cut to: Light Yagami's bedroom. Light is sitting at his desk and using his computer.

Light: [V.O.] "When L discovers that I'm somehow getting confidential information, he'll be obligated to start investigating the police to find the source of the leak."

Towards the end of Light's last sentence, cut to neighborhood streets at night. Ryuk is hovering behind Light, who is walking down the middle of the street.

Ryuk: [V.O.] "You're being followed by another human. He's watching you right now."

Light:[V.O.] "That's a problem. I'll have to get rid of him as soon as possible."

~Cut to Light's bedroom at night~

Ryuk: "Because through a Shinigami's eyes a human's name can be seen above their head. Not only that, we see there lifespan as well. However, if a Shinigami drops his Death Note, and a human picks it up, he can grant that human the eyes of a Shinigami. The price for having a Shinigami's eyes is half of that person's remaining lifespan. That's all it is. So... what'll it be, Light? Is it a deal?"

Title card

~Shinigami Realm~

The scene starts with a closeup of Shinigami 1, who is staring at the sky. The Shinigami's voices echo as they speak.

Shinigami 1: "Has anyone seen Ryuk around?"

Cut out to the rest of the Shinigami Realm and the Shinigami sitting around. Pan across various Shinigami as they speak.

Shinigami 2: "Maybe he was serious about losing his Death Note."

Shinigami 3: [O.S.] "It was probably picked up by some human before he could get to it."

Shinigami 4: "No way. Then he'd be stuck there 'til the end of that human's life or until the Death Note was destroyed. That could take a while."

Armonia Justin Beyondormason: "Yeah. I can't picture Ryuk doing something so boring."

Shinigami 5: [O.S.] "Do you know what? I actually heard he was carrying two Death Notes."

Shinigami 6: [O.S.] "Seriously, why would he need two?"

Armonia Justin Beyondormason: "Beats me. I'll never understand that guy."

~Human World~

Light Yagami's bedroom; a continuation of Light and Ryuk's conversation seen in the intro recap.

Light: "So the price for receiving the eyes of the Shinigami is no more than half of my remaining lifespan? [pauses] That's it, right?"

Ryuk: "Yes. Well then, do we have a deal or not?"

Silence as Ryuk and Light stare at each other. Still grinning, Light narrows his eyes.

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